Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 35 (2)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5] SUPERMAN MEETS IKE PARIS a continuing story by Superman Fannn Chapter 3 Standing before Superman were three of the most muscular and well put together men he had ever seen. Cam, a professional bodybuilder, was dwarfed next to these three men. Superman found it hard to believe these were the same three men he captured and jailed just 3 years ago. Superman knew he had to be sure to keep up a good front for these men who obviously admired Superman even though he was the one responsible for jailing them. He still felt weak but was doing all he could to hide it. He thought to himself that even in a weakened state he was much stronger than even the most muscular and strong human villians he encountered in the past. Wrestling and arm wrestling weren’t as much a concern to him as were the knives and guns that were present. Is it possible that in this weakened state he would be vulnerable to weapons??? His mind was racing as he watched the three massive men approach him. The first man to… Read More »Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 3