Breaking Superman Chapters 5 and 65 (3)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5] Breaking Superman Author: smdown Chapter 5 Lex coughed on his morning coffee as his personal assistant handed him today’s edition of the Daily Planet. He read and re-read the headline not quite believing the words in front of his eyes. ‘The return of Superman?’ read the banner. A large color photo on the front page showed a section of the city skyline with a blue and red streak passing between two skyscrapers. “It can’t be…” Lex muttered to himself. 6 months earlier, the people of Metropolis had been shocked by the sudden disappearance of Superman. The population had become used to his almost daily heroics when, without warning, he mysteriously left without a trace. It had been a bleak time in the city: people felt that their champion had abandoned them. The resulting rise in crime had been a concern to many. But Lex was well satisfied, being able to go about his business without interference from the hero, who had confronted him and foiled many of his nefarious plans. He would have liked to know the fate of Superman but nevertheless felt… Read More »Breaking Superman Chapters 5 and 6