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The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 9D
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 9 New Friends, Old Friends and Enemies Galore Chapter 9D. Superman’s new calling    Back at Police HQ, Sgt. Walters was busy getting Superman aquainted with his new cellmate and jail daddy,  Bart Harrow. After explaining the situation to Bart in intricate detail, Walters had escorted the now unshackled real murderer into Interrogation K, where the set up “murderer” sat.  Superman was still handcuffed to the chair, busily servicing his new lawyer. Now the defeated super hero sat drooped over the younger man’s lap. Lane Tyler Dalton, the interrogated’s attorney,having taken a seat directly in front of the  Superman’s chair, had a firm grip on his former idol’s mussed black hair with one hand and the back of the hero’s new pink collar with his other. Luthor’s conspirator used the man-of-steel’s sweaty black locks to manipulate Superman’s cocksucking face up and down his very excited rock hard 7 inch erection. Superman weakly sucked as he knew it was what was required of him at the moment, in his drug and kryptonite addled state obedience was… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 9D

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 9C
4 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 9 New Friends, Old Friends and Enemies Galore  Chapter 9C Luthor’s master plan   Across town in the penthouse apartment of Lex Luthor, the criminal master mind lay stretched out on top of his luxurious bed. He was adorned in his familiar white linen suit, his shoes off and his expensive black socked feet propped up on a pillow at the foot of the bed. The high definition wide screen television on the wall of his bedroom suite monitored the goings on in Interrogation K, some miles away on the 13th floor of Metropolis Police HQ. Luthor grinned with delight at the sight of his arch enemy stooped over the young geeky lawyer actually licking the attorneys sox. Luthor rubbed his own stocking feet as if he could feel Superman’s tongue himself. Or maybe it was the stimulation that the super freak’s own love, Lois Lane, was administering to his erect penis. Luthor grasped Lois by the back of her head and pulled her further onto his muscle. He heard her gagging against the force… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 9C

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 9A
4.2 (5)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 5 Average: 4.2]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 9 New Friends, Old Friends and Enemies Galore Chapter 9A -The Best Defense Superman sat slumped at the table in Interrogation K. He was instructed to sit there and wait for his counsel. The attorney that his dire enemy, Lex Luthor, had arranged to meet him, to defend him against the charges of murder being brought against him, the murder of his alter ego, Clark Kent. He really had no choice, cuffed powerlessly as he was, with both pantyhose covered wrists behind his back. How had this nightmare come to such a place. Kal-El the Kryptonian alien, the defender and savior of Earth, now reduced to a dejected, teary, red eyed, totally energy drained, humiliated, powerless dispicable site, sat as ordered, sucking on a piss, sweat, and cum filled pair of the evil Sgt. Walter’s nylon work sox. Although, the ex-superhero’s body sat stooped in a very un-superhero-like position, his head still stood up straight and tall because of his new posture collar. This allowed anyone viewing the destroyed ex crime fighter to get the… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 9A

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 8B
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob                                 Chapter 8: Examination Chapter 8b: Luthor pays for the best Defense Dr Schnell stood bent over Superman’s disheveled and reddened face. He finished up with the drillwork and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Now a familiar green aura radiated from the hero’s dental dam opened orifice. The evil german doctor snidely remarked, in his thick germanic accent, “I love the new aura that you will now give off, every time you open your trap, Superfreak. A nice bright green radiance that will keep your alien attributes in check the rest of your stay here on our planet. Someone should have done that for you long time ago, to quench your goody-two-shoes attitude. The Earth has no place for aliens with superior powers, especially one who can’t handle those powers and uses them for murderous activities like yourself, Superman.” He laughed at the irony in his statements. Superman would not be using any type of alien super powers on earth anymore. Then the doctor added, “I’m just glad that Mr. luthor funded me and… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 8B

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 8A
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob     Chapter 8: Examination Ch.8A: Dental Dams   Lex Luthor sat in the anteroom of Interrogation K. His highly polished black Feragamo shoes, propped up on the computer desk, while he watched the screen with glee as his  archnemesis was put through a very humiliating and demeaning doctor’s examination in the clinical bathroom next door. After screwing Superman’s ass for some time with the enormous black fist shaped dildo, Dr. Schnell had moved on to other areas of the defeated alien’s anatomy. Superman now sported permanent nipple hardons similar to the one that jutted from his midsection. Luthor had watched as the sadistic doctor on his payroll had created those tit boners for the increasingly downfallen hero. Dr. Schnell had bored with plowing Superman’s ravaged rectum with the fist shaped phallus. He rammed the long black arm all the way up the sockgagged, whimpering weakened hero’s ass and left it seated there. Then, the evil physician rummaged around in the drawers under Superman’s strapped down body until he found what he wanted to continue his torturous… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 8A

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 7C
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 7 Batting  Cleanup 7C: Batting a Grand Slam Homer   The rubber clad Doctor and Sergeant entered the small bathroom torture chamber where Detective Carlilse and Officer Glavine were still busy arranging the once proud hero even more uncomfortably strapped down to the ominous dental/barber type chair. “Make sure that he’s absolutely immobile, Glavine! ” Sgt. Walters barked, “Or  we may have to put you in that chair” he grinned at the younger police man. Sgt. Walters saw the raised brow that Dr. Schnell reacted with, and gave the old doctor a sinister wink. Dr. Schnell immediately understood the newness of the control that the sadistic sergeant had over the junior police officer. He shot a wide knowing grin back at Walters. His secret congratulations were accepted with honor by the sadistic sergeant who thought that “maybe there is quite a few things that the evil Dr. Schell could teach.” Dr. Schnell was standing next to the prone, strapped superhero’s white rubber encased head. He had the long hoses that protruded fromthe hood in his… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 7C

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 7B
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by sockrob   Chapter 7: Batting Cleanup 7B: The Doctors In.   Sgt. Walters left his other two cronies alone in the bathroom with Superman. He padded on his skintight rubber soles out through Interrrogation K and around into the anterroom where Lex Luthor sat at Glavine’s computer watching the cleanup scene unfold via computer uplink. “Good work, sergeant!” Luthor said as he swiveled the chair around to face the rubber clad Walters. “I’ve asked Dr. Schnell to join the party this morning. He’ll be here any time now. He’s one of my best doctors at Lex Corps. A german, who used to work for the german equivalent of our CIA. He has impeccable credentials and great tecniques for extracting the numerous samples from Superman that we require. He’s also great at forcing men to admit things that they never thought they would.” Lex Luthor smiled widely as if remembering a joke he’d heard. “Once I saw Dr. Schnell get a big tough muscular Army Ranger to admit that he was really a closeted fairy princess who wanted to… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 7B

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 7A
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob     Chapter 7 Batting Cleanup Chapter 7A: The Cleanup Begins   Sgt Walters stepped into the small restroom facility off of the back of Interrrogation K. He adjusted his eyes at the bright contrast of this space. Unlike the dim green glowing interrogation room, this bathroom was bright and medical looking. Along the wall to the left was a wide shower stall with a set of glass doors that swung out into the space. Across from the shower was a white porcelain pedestal sink and low flow toilet. A rectangular mirror bolted to the wall over the sink. A wall of white cabinet doors rose from floor to ceiling along the back of the space. The entire room was tiled with bright white ceramic tiles, from floor to ceiling. The floor sloped slightly inwards toward a wide six inch drain plug. Standing on wheels, which were aquipped with breaks and currently locked in place, was a dentist type recumbent chair. Bright LED lights shown from recesses in the white tiled ceiling. Hoses and cords fell down around… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 7A

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 6C
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 6. Preparations 6C Getting Ready for Cleanup   Sergeant Walters pulled his  oversized pickup truck into the garage of his downtown brownstone. Looking over too the passenger floorboard at the dejected technical officer cowering in the well of truck’s cabin, wiping the newest creamy white  ejaculate from his face, the sadistic sergeant ordered the young man gruffly to get out of the truck. When the younger man didn’t respond fast enough for him, he reached over and grabbed a handful of the young cop’s mussed hair. Then he dragged Officer Glavine out of the vehicle and down a short flight of stairs into the home’s basement. a few steps before the bottom landing, Sergeant Walters kicked the young officer in the ass with his booted right foot. Letting go of the younger man’s hair, the sergeant watched as officer Glavine tumbled down into the basement dungeon. Walters followed his charge down the stairs. Once there he demanded his new houseguest’s clothes. “Get those duds off, boy. I’ll throw them in the wash for you. You’ll… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 6C

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 6B
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Murder Of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 6- Preparations 6B- The Watch Begins   The conspirators gathered in the anterrom of Interrogation K. They could see their super prisoner tightly strapped into the sling in the other room, through the window that was now showing the hero the fine art of boot service. On this side of the screen the men saw through a faint shadow of the full high definition picture that was bombarding the man of steel’s vision onthe other side. Although Superman’s head was covered with the rubber mask, Sergeant Walters saw in the defeated hero’s eyes that he still had a bit of determined defiance left. Superman would not be an easy straight stud to break. But he would break, by god. Hell the sergeant had already taken his mouth virginity and Lex Luthor, himself, had relieved the alien of steel, of the virtue long hidden between those magnificent muscled ass cheeks, under those pretty blue tights. But yes, the sergeant realized, Superman’s mind was not going to fall as easily as his physical body had. Even though… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 6B

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 6A
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]     The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 6: Preparations Chapter 6A. Nightey Night Supes   Sergeant Walters entered Interrogation K once more. Superman lay bound in the sling hanging from the ceiling. The alien superhero was a totally beaten sight to the sadistic booking sergeant. Superman’s worldwide recognized appearance was gone. Now the beaten, kryptonite weakened ex-hero hung defeated in his bondage bed. His massive muscular blue tights clad legs were strapped high up the bottom chains of the sling by leather straps attached to his stocking clad ankles. Inside the  blue tights, Superman’s large meaty feet bore the cane marks of his recent bastinado treatment. His formerly pristine royal blue tights were stained with dirt from his earlier outing at the landfill, blood from the Clark Kent imposter’s body and sweat and cum from his interrogation. Even though he had been allowed to shower earlier during his booking at the hands of the evil sergeant, the stains remained. His legs hung from their shackles, but, the hero could not feel them. The blood had long since drained from his hanging… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 6A

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5D
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 5 Confessions Chapter 5D…….. final Confessions   Sgt. Walters slapped Superman across the face a few times. He ordered, “Look Superfag, it’s a little late to start worrying who busted that cherry ass of yours. Shut the fuck up and clean off my cock like I told you!” He jabbed his semi-erect penis back into the man of steel’s mouth. “You push my cock out of your mouth again without permission and I promise you that worrying about who’s busting your new pussy will be the last thing on your mind!” The sergeant knew that the realization that Lex Luthor was indeed the master- mind  behind Superman’s latest predicament had hit home. He and Luthor had planned it this way. Luthor had called Sgt. Walters, earlier, as soon as he had returned to his penthouse, to check up on Lois Lane. Luthor found Ms. Lane tied, naked, drugged and spread eagle to his own bed, exactly where he had left her earlier. He caressed Lois’ naked breasts as he chatted on the phone with the… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5D

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5C
5 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 5]  The Murder Of Clark Kent by Sockrob                      Chapter 5 Confessions Chapter 5C….. even more Confessions    The district attorney entered the viewing room just in time to see Sgt. Walters come to climax. The booking sergeant had decided to really notch up Officer Glavine’s humiliation. The sergeant had pulled out before shooting his load. Sgt. Walters’ spooge shot all over the twice raped young cop’s back. It shot as far up his body that some drenched the back of his pretty blonde hair. Sergeant Walters, never shy about having accomplished a good stud busting, straightened up and ordered the younger police officer to turn around, get down on his knees and clean off the sergeant’s cumcovered, ass slimey cock. Officer Glavine was totally mind fucked by now. He just did as he was told. As Officer Glavine knelt sucking Sgt. Walters’ cock clean, DA Cartwright asked how things were going. He asked, “Sergeant, how are things progressing here, as if I couldn’t see? ” He added, “But, I really meant, the progression of our super murder suspect, not the help!” Cartwright was really… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5C

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5B
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 5 Confessions Chapter 5B…… more Confessions   Officer Ted Glavine adjusted his naked, sore bottom on the hard seat of the chair where he sat at his computer. “What the hell have I gotten into here?” he worried. Lex Luthor was a crazy person. The technical officer was having second thoughts about his getting mixed up with such a mad man. But, at the same time, he realized that he was already in too deep. Luthor had him just where he wanted him. He had two choices, do what Luthor ordered, or let Sgt. Walters report his illegal activities to the chief. Neither choice was very appealing currently. However, wisely, Officer Glavine decided to just stay in his current position, for the time being. “Hopefully, this situation won’t get any worse, and crazy Luthor will leave my ass out of the equation!” Glavine hoped. “I’ll just make sure to do a very good job of editing this Superman footage for the madman. Maybe that will keep him appeased!” the technician reasoned with himself. He went… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5B

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5A
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 5 Confessions Chapter 5A … Confessions   Detective Carlilse and DA Cartwright entered the anteroom of Interrogation K. They were shocked to see Lex Luthor with his dick embedded in Officer Glavine’s ass. The fucked technical officer had a look of sheer humiliation mixed with terror on his sweaty tear soaked face. “It was bad enough that the crime boss had had his way with  him, but now there were witnesses to his embarrassing rape.” Officer Glavine thought. “Mr. Luthor1 What’s going on here?” DA Cartwright mustered the nerve to ask. “I thought we were here to break Superman, not the police force.” The DA kind of just blurted it out before he realized who he was speaking to.  Luthor pulled his dripping cock out of the defeated officer’s ass and answered, “Yeah well that fucking super freak in there is enough to turn a staright man to do things he never thought he would. I just needed a little release, and it’s much to soon for me to join you guys in there with… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5A

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 4. Interrogation K   As soon as they got a few feet away from the room that had been the crime fighting hero’s torture chamber for  longer than he’d even care to guess, Superman started feeling a little bit better. He was still weak as a kitten, but things weren’t as confusing as they had been inside that room. The past few hours were all a blur to the man of steel. Of course, Superman had no way of knowing that the room he had just been held in had recently been repainted. The paint had come from Lexcorps along with the articles of torture that had been used on the hero. It was mixed with trace amounts of Superman’s homeland, Kryptonite. But Superman didn’t know that, and chalked his feeling better up to the cold shower. The freezing shower had helped to clear some of the cobwebs, but then that sadistic sergeant had switched the hero’s digression up a knotch by first forcing him to clean up all that cum from his own penis,… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 4

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 3
5 (5)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 5 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 3. The Booking When Detective Carlilse joined his partner in the police issued sedan, he stole a glance of the super prisoner stuffed in the back seat. He was right. Even the small amount of kryptonite that had been secreted into the metal handcuffs with which the suspect of steel had been restrained was having an effect. Superman was noticably sweating. Only kryptonite could force that fluid from the super brow. The lead detective grinned at Superman and asked, “Comfy, Supes?” Superman was beginning to feel sick to his stomache. He tried to shake some of the sweat from his forehead, as with his hands cuffed behind him, he couldn’t very well wipe his brow. He was becoming more and more confused. His mind began to wander. He had to focus. He thought to himself, ” What is going on here? There is no kryptonite around. couldn’t be. My super senses would have picked it up surely. But that infernal ore was the only thing that could possibly make him feel like this. Or was… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 3

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]   The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 2. The Initial Questioning              When Officer Steven Bartlett ended his radio call, Superman told Officer Bartlett that he was just going to go into the bathroom and clean up. “I assure you that I won’t go anywhere, Iv’e just had one hell of an evening. I really need to freshen up.” Superman tried to explain. “I am afraid that won’t do, Superman. Please wait until homicide gets here and clears you. You appear to be covered in evidence.” the cop professionally stated. His partner, Officer Mike Nugent, agreed but added, “Superman I am sure that there is a good explanation for all this, but please just stay right where you are until we find out what that explanation is.” Both Officers continued to hold their useless weapons on the super hero. Superman took a seat at on a chair by the dresser to wait. He was totally confused. every few seconds he’d satre at the corpse looking for some sign of the imposters true identity. He used his x-ray vision to scan the… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 2

The Skin of his Teeth Part 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Skin of His Teeth   Part 2     Denton eased the cart over beside Clark and starting making some adjustments to the controls after powering it on.  Clark fidgeted in his seat as Drake placed a heavy lead vest over his torso, trying to think of some way out of his predicament.   “Uh, umm…I don’t think that’s really necessary, Doctor.  I feel fine, really!” he mumbled.   “I am the Doctor, Mr. Kent.  Why don’t you let me decide what you need.  It’s just an x-ray, not a drill, after all.  I promise you won’t hurt a bit when I’m done with you.”  Denton said, smiling that mesmerizing smile of his.  He leaned in close to Clark and laid his strong hand on Clark’s shoulder, his thumb grazing and tickling his ear.  Clark felt flushed and confused.   “Don’y worry about a thing.  Just let me take over.  I’ve never had a patient complain yet about my bedside manner.” he quipped, that damned grin dazzling and disarming him at the same time.  He betrayed no sign of being guarded in this… Read More »The Skin of his Teeth Part 2

The Skin of his Teeth Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]   The Skin of his Teeth Part 1     Clark Kent stared at the memo the mailroom boy had dropped unceremiously on his desk as he was preoccupied doing the final draft of his article on the latest City proposal for the Dockside property development.  While keeping his outer composure his heart skipped a beat.  He feared these little complications most of all.  Fight a ten-story high killer robot?  Yawn!  Plug an erupting volcano with a gigantic battleship slated for the scrapyard?  Don’t you have anything hard for him to do?   But these things came as close to driving a wedge of fear into his self confidence to deal with any crisis as he’d ever known.  He stared down at the memo again.  The bean-counters in the Human Resources Dept. had determined in their infinite wisdom he was overdue to get his annual dental check-up to satisfy the group insurance dictates for all Daily Planet employees.   He’d been clever enough to dodge this bullet in the past, managing to be away on assignment during the re-enrollment period.  But someone had spotted… Read More »The Skin of his Teeth Part 1