
Superman Vanquished Part 10
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman Vanquished Part 10 No Mercy Author: Lcross   Superman obediently obeys Eden and remains on all fours with his head lowered on the radiation well’s floor for what seems like hours. Suddenly the numeric keypad flashes and chirps three times and stops followed by the now feared three short but loud successive whops from a siren and the loud audio warning state from the mechanical voice: “Elemental Exposure Sequence Initiated.” A look of fear and betrayal crosses his face as Superman swallows hard and sits back on his knees. “Eden! I did what you asked,” screams a terrified Superman. “Master Eden I begged you!” There is no reply. He gulps hard and quickly doubles over tightly and covers his head with his hands as the disks’ strobe three times in quick succession. He cowers on the mirrored floor as all the panels slowly ramp up again in brightness bathing the caped figure in an eerie green glow reflecting off the steel alloy floor. Superman whimpers as the familiar wave of dizziness washes over him and as tears begin to stream down his cheeks… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 10

Superman Vanquished Part 9
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 9 Submission Author: Lcross   Nearly one hour passes down in the well before Superman feels he has the strength to try and rise up off the radiation well’s reflective steel alloy floor. The agonizing effects of the bombardment have passed but he is very weak. Sullenly Superman staggers to his feet stumbles and recovers as he raises one of his hands to his temple. Superman’s soaked cape clings to his upper body and legs defining his muscular legs. Completely soaked with sweat he slowly staggers carefully to one of the lead walls. Superman holds his palm against the lead wall to support his weight and cranes his head upwards squinting at the blazing spotlights shining down into the well wondering how to get out of this trap he so foolishly blundered into. The realization that he is trapped and utterly at Eden’s mercy became obvious during the time he had remained cringing in fear on his knees. After several minutes Superman wipes the sweat from face and slowly walks over to lead lined panels that block access to the ladder… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 9

Superman Vanquished Part 8
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 8 Eden’s Demonstration Author: Lcross   The numeric keypads flashes and chirps three times and stops followed by three short but loud successive whops from a siren. A loud audio warning then blares out in a cold mechanical voice: “Elemental Exposure Sequence Initiated.” Superman swallows hard and tenses tight as the room go dark again and all the glass panels’ strobe three times flashing off the polished floor of the well and then darkens. As he watches from the corner he hears a low electrical hum as the glass disks high above the floor slowly ramp up in brightness. The green hue from the panels reflects readily off the polished steel floor bathing Superman in an eerie green glow. The same wave of dizziness washes over Superman and he slumps down slightly in the corner and closes his eyes to clear his head. “Exposure Level Minimal,” states the cold voice from the speaker. The panels begin to slowly glow brighter in the pit and the electric hum steadily increases in volume proportionate to the intensity of the green glow. Superman raises… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 8

Superman Vanquished Part 7
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 7 Kryptonite Author: Lcross   Pressing tightly back in the corner of the radiation well Superman continues to try and make sense of what has happened to his superpowers when suddenly he hears Eden’s taunting voice echo down loudly from speakers high above in the narrow room.   “Eden here Superman! This tour is little different than the last one. You most likely wonder how I managed to trap you in the professor’s well. I know all about Kal-El and Clark Kent; the professor and you have been careless lately and I discovered his detailed research concerning your origins, life on Earth and a strange element called kryptonite.”   “Eden, why are you doing this?” asks Superman as he cranes his neck towards the voice coming from above. “Open the well doors and we can forget about this whole thing,”   “No can do Clark. I’ve crossed the Rubicon. That crushing wave of pain and dizziness you experience signaled the loss of your superpowers. I know kryptonite is your Achilles’ Heal Clark; your only weakness! I placed the small particles of… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 7

Superman Vanquished Part 6
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 6 Trapped in the Radiation Well Author: Lcross   Above in the lab’s control room Eden watches intently on the large HD panel as Superman unwittingly steps onto the floor of the radiation well.  He continues to watch as Superman inspects the well looking for a problem that does not exist.  Eden sips on a Red Bull as he watches Superman make his way to the middle of the well. A green light flashes on his console flashes in quick succession indicating the all systems are ready and the radiation well is ready to be brought online.   Eden grins wickedly as he hits the return key on his keyboard that executes a series of predetermined computer commands and smiles as his console chirps then ceases and a side computer monitor screen flashes in large green letters: “Upper Shaft Door Secure,” followed by “Radiation Well Secure.” “OKAY, says Eden as he claps his hands together. Superman is sealed in the professor’s well!”   He quickly types a series of commands into his computer keyboard as he listens on the speaker as… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 6

Superman Vanquished Part 5
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 5 Betrayed Author: Lcross It is Sunday morning and Clark Kent is sitting in his apartment idly skimming through the channels when he receives an encrypted text message from Eden, Professor Larson assistant. The message reads: Superman, sorry to bother you but the silent alarm has tripped at the professor’s lab. Could you help me check it out? Don’t want to involve the civilian authorities and have them snooping around due to the nature of the professor’s work. Thanks – Eden” Superman replies, “On my way; wait for me to arrive,” Clark undresses quickly revealing the familiar red and blue costume of the Man of Steel and steps out onto the terrace of his apartment. The red and blue caped figure blurs and rockets skyward. Seconds later there is a slight sonic boom as Superman fly out of the boundaries of greater Metropolis and streaks north toward the professor’s secluded compound several miles outside Metropolis. The sky is bright blue on a beautiful clear spring morning as Superman quickly closes the distance to the small compound. Superman reaches his destination in… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 5

Superman Vanquished Part 4
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Superman Vanquished Part 4 Achilles’ Heal Author: Lcross   Minutes after Superman leaves the professor Larson reenters the control room. Eden turns from his work and cheerfully says, “It was great to see Superman again; it’s been months since he’s paid you a visit.”   “Superman is busy these days – terrorists – all kinds of maniacs – Evan Frost. It’s a wonder he even had time for the brief visit today,” explains the professor. “Do you still keep Superman’s visits confidential Eden?    “Of course professor Larson; no one would believe me anyway,” jokes Eden. “No seriously professor; I am loyal to you; I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everything you have done for me.”   “I know Eden; it’s just all this business with Evan Frost and the 20 million dollar bounty on Superman,” explains the professor.   “Superman is indestructible; you would have to be a fool to challenge him; whoever tries to collect that 20 million will be sorry,” consoles Eden.   “I only wish…,” replies the professor, but stops short.   “What did you say professor?”… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 4

Superman Vanquished Part 3
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Superman Vanquished Part 3 The Bounty Author: Lcross    “Let me show you out Superman,” offers the professor as he and Superman exit the control room and the lead lined doors close behind them. The professor enters another series of codes into the wall keypad near the control room door and the large windowless steel overhead door leading to the outdoor compound begins to rise letting the fresh air of a spring afternoon filter into the lab. “A beautiful day for flying Superman,” laughs the professor as he and Superman walk towards the open overhead door.   “It certainly is professor,” agrees Superman. “Are you all set for your big trip?”   They stop before the open overhead door facing the lab’s parking lot within the fenced in compound and the professor responds, “Sure am Superman! I’m looking forward to being away from all this for a few weeks; the work has been grueling and the Army won’t be ready to test for a month or more. Eden has offered to remain here alone and make the final adjustments to the computer’s radiation projection… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 3

Superman Vanquished Part 2
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Superman Vanquished Part 2 Eden Author: Lcross  Superman laughs at the professor’s gag and floats quickly up through the opening of the well as the professor makes for the ladder. Moments later Superman and the professor are standing behind the waist high metal safety railing that runs around the open trench looking down into the radiation well from high above. “The air tanks I mentioned Superman,” directs the professor as he gestures towards two air tanks painted bright white on the far side of the lab.   “The monorail with its crane-hoist you see above the well is used to lower objects into and out of the radiation well,” explains the professor as he gestures at the freshly painted white support columns of two bright red twin steel rails that run the entire length of the radiation well to a steel overhead door. Mounted between the twin rails is crane hoist that moves on the twin rails to load and unload cargo.    “The test objects are trucked in and unloaded with the crane and I’m in business,” says the professor.   “You’ve outdone… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 2

Superman Vanquished Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]This story was originally posted on the Yahoo Group SuperheroesDefeated Superman Vanquished Part 1 The radiation well Author: Lcross    “So this is your latest invention professor?” asks Superman as he peers around from the floor of the narrow trench 25’ below floor level of the professor’s laboratory.   “My latest Superman; what do you think of it?” asks the gray haired professor wearing a white lab coat.   “It’s very… interesting professor,” responds Superman politely as he walks deeper into the trench rubbing the lead walls lightly with his finger tips. “What’s the purpose of this lead lined trench in the middle of your lab floor?”   “This is a Radiation Well Superman,” explains Professor Larson, who chairs the research division at MU and is a longtime trusted friend of Superman. “The highly reflective floor you’re standing on is made of a revolutionary steel alloy. The alloy’s unique properties allow the alloy to reflect radiation like a mirror does light. Radiation is projected from that array of large glass disks above us that are attached to both sides of this well and directed down… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 1

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 6
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 6 The Rolls Royce drove at high speed, out of the bustle of Metropolis in high into the outskirt mountains. The roads were winding, rising higher and higher. Obviously expensive real estate territory. Luxurious mansions were found here, and Lex Luthor’s was no exception. Perched high above Metropolis, the views were spectacular.  It was one of the many homes Lex owned. Not as grand as Lex Manor, but this one was a more modern, high tech sort of home. The Rolls went into the driveway and down into a parking lot. The driver stopped and opened the door. Lex stepped out, smiling. He then turned back to the car, looking at the costumed hero slumped on the floor. Zane stepped out, looking smug, twirling in the air playfully Superman’s yellow belt that he had removed earlier. Lex grabbed Superman’s wrist and dragged the hero out of the car. Zane offered to help, but Lex was determined to savour every every moment of this. Lex’s mind briefly flashed back to all the humiliating defeats at the hand of Superman….Nuclear Man, The… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 6

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 5
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 5 The referee then turned towards the crowd, and immediately start the bidding; ‘O.K. Guys and Gals, who wants to strip the Man of Steel?’ Roaring applause and cheering ensues. Zane then went up and took the microphone from the referee’s hand, ‘First up, I know it’s not in the rules, but as the winner of the match I claim Superman’s belt as my trophy’  There were more cheers as Zane went up to Superman and with a devilish grin begin to unbuckle his belt, deliberately taking his time to fondle his cock until it was hard again and he was moaning like the bitch that Zane reduced him to. As Superman pants subconsciously in pleasure, Zane continued to pull the belt through the loops of Superman’s red briefs and leaned towards him and whispered: “This is gonna come in handy later on when I need to keep you in line, just think it’s a collar, leash and strap all in one” Superman’s cock is tenting his costume obscenely as Zane backs away from him and despite the… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 5

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 4   (Superman’s Thoughts):” Urgh, Zane… he’s destroying me, dominating me, must resist, but I can’t. He’s touching me, pleasuring me, draining my strength. I’ve got to resist, got to beat him…can’t let him win, can’t let him strip me in front of the crowd. Oh no, he’s on top of me again. His firm body is forcing me to stay down, keeping me beneath him. Every time I try to push him off my hand slide over his solid glistening pecs, up and down his washboard abs, his body….so powerful, so strong. He’s bigger than me and stronger than I am, he’s more powerful than Superman and I can feel as his groin thrusts into mine, pleasuring me, making me hard and draining me of my strength. Got to stop him, but it feels so good, feels so right to submit to him, to let him dominate me to give in to the pleasure. His hands clamp down around my wrists. I struggle to break free, but I can’t, I’m weak and his every move is grinding… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 4

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 3
4.5 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 4.5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 3   (Superman’s Thoughts): “uuhhh, can’t think straight….pleasant feelings….I close my eyes….something is happening to me…but yet…I still can’t focus….I can only focus on warm…fuzzy…..feeling….uhhhhh.” (Zanes’s Thoughts): “very interesting….I’m enjoying groping Superman….perhaps the reason he is like this is because I’m stimulating his erogenous zones…he must not get a lot of action…maybe I’m ‘reminding’ him of what he desires…Now, let’s see what the male erogenous zones were….the package, the feet, neck, ears, eyelids, inner thighs, under his arms….behind the knees, his ass….” Zane decided to test out his theory, disguising his sinister ‘experiment, he got Superman into a Boston crab position, which meant Superman was lying face down as his legs were bent high into the sky with his shins underneath Zane’s armpits. At this moment, Zane used his fingers to stimulate Superman behind his knees, through the blue fabric. He let Superman’s legs fall to the ground. Superman turned around, half dazed, the hair on his head soaked with sweat. Zane grabbed Superman’s red booted feet and squeezed, again noticing the softening of Superman’s body and the… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 3

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 2
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 2 The Man of Steel was led onto a metal table. The dull metallic surface  was in stark contrast to the colourful blue and red costume that adorned Superman’s muscular body. The staff member spoke “normally we would request you to remove your super suit Superman, but for the purposes of speeding up the process I  don’t think it will make much difference.” Superman looked around, always eager to help, “Ok, no problem. what will  I wear in the wrestling ring?” The staff member smiled “Your famous costume of course!” At that moment there was a knock on the door, and Jean Howard, the business owner, walked in. “Ah Superman, thank you again for your participation! We are always trying to find unique ways to raise money for charity!” Superman smiled, always the good citizen “Always glad to help. How much  have we raised so far?” Jean did some mental sums in his head “hmm, let’s see, we had the broadcast rights of $2Million, ticket sales of $1Million, so $3Million so far.” Superman was surprised “that’s excellent, is that… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 2

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 1
3 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 3]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 1   The buildings were run down; most of them boarded up, with rusty nails which stuck out dangerously, the walls covered over with messy graffiti. This seedy part of town had been largely neglected by Metropolis City Hall. Until one day, an old warehouse was bought by a local businessman, Jean Howard. In no time, it was converted into a boxing ring and gym. And so the old run down building was revamped and renamed ‘Superbox’. Whilst this area was notorious for crime and unemployment, the gym had provided employment opportunities for the local hobos. Without Jean’s help, they would have continued to beg for money and rely on community handouts. Jean trained them to perform manual tasks such as cleaning and setting up the gym and boxing ring. It wasn’t long before Metropolis City Hall awarded a prestigious Mayor’s prize to Jean for services to the community. Jean was flattered, and commented that his greatest reward was to serve the community and see it improve. One of the staff members suggested a PR boost could be… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 1

Superman Learns to Wrestle
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman learns to wrestle… It was a request he couldn’t resist. Superman had been asked to appear at a charity pro-wrestling match to raise money for under privileged kids in the neighbourhood. He would be handing out the prizes to the winning wrestlers of the tournament and mixing with the kids. He’d actually always been a fan of wrestling but of course he could never wrestle another guy himself in case he injured his opponent, but he followed all the big names and caught up with the fights on TV when he had time. Arriving at the venue, a gym in a rough part of town, he quickly scanned the inside with his x-ray vision noting that there were just a couple of guys in a ring grappling on the canvas. He could see no audience or reporters to cover his arrival. Curious, he entered the gym and began walking up to the ring – the wrestlers inside seeming oblivious to his presence. “Hey, guys, I’m here for the….”, before he could finish the sentence, a thick cloud of greenish smoke blew out from… Read More »Superman Learns to Wrestle

Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 2
4.7 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.7]  Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 2              The man of steel awoke alone, still groggy, thanks to a night of tormented dreams.  Erotic and vivid imaginings of beautiful man on man sex, most of which starred him and the young man from the club.  At first they all seemed innocent enough.  The boy thanking him for rescuing him from the clutches of an evil pimp, and Bobby thanking him and in awe of his overwhelming strength and of the near perfect body of earth’s greatest champion.  Of course the dreams slowly became seedier.  One began with Superman arriving at the nightclub, and seeing Bobby dancing in his boots and firemen’s hat.  Waving his cock around like a fire hose.  As the dream continued, Superman who had been drinking shots of tequila at the bar climbed upon the stage and after kissing Bobby deep and hard on the mouth, pulled down his blue trunks and let Bobby kiss and suck on his beautiful cock, which Bobby and the stud of steel both enjoyed immensely, as did the crowd that gathered.  As the… Read More »Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 2

Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 1
4.2 (6)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 6 Average: 4.2]  Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 1                 The Man of Steel patrolled the calm starry night’s sky, scanning the streets below with his X-Ray eyes.  The streets of the city he had sworn to protect were unusually quiet.  It was a wonderful scene and filled the proud hero with a sense of calm serenity that he was certain was similar to the gratification genuine humans got from the act of sexual release.                 It was near eleven thirty as he continued his patrol of the evening sky, the harsh wind whipping his mop of black hair around making him seem even more masculine and powerful.  His sense of calm was broken however by the dense sound of throbbing base music.  Suddenly an explosion of fireworks illuminated the night sky and the man of steel gazed at the lights perplexed.  It was clearly a violation to detonated fireworks within the city limits of the great city, and so he headed off in the direction of the throbbing base, and towards where his eyes had spied the fireworks which continued to explode in the sky above… Read More »Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 1

Got Milked?
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  Got Milked? A story by Shabeted Prologue Jimmy Olsen had just started showering when he heard the doorbell ring. Wondering who it could be, he stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and went to answer the door. To his utmost surprise, the person at the door was none other than Lex Luthor the criminal mastermind. Jimmy’s moment of surprise was all Lex needed to slap a chloroform-soaked cloth on Jimmy’s nose and mouth. Jimmy snapped back to his senses but not before breathing in the noxious fumes. He turned and tried to run into his apartment or so his mind told him to. But his body, which had already started to become affected by the chloroform, only managed a slow stumble into his room. Lex made a grab for the staggering Jimmy and managed to snag his towel. The towel came off and Lex was treated to the sight of Jimmy’s naked ass. Lex calmly closed the door and follow stumbling Jimmy Olsen into the room to finish the task. He grabbed Jimmy from behind with left hand while… Read More »Got Milked?