
Allure of Kryptonite Chapter 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]This story is part of a serie named “The Further Adventures of Superman” the author divided in 3 parts with multiple chapters: Part 1: Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Part 2: “Superman’s Night in the Museum” Part 3: “Allure of Kryptonite” Flashback to the end of Chapter 4, Night in the Museum, which left a powerless Superman hanging inverted, naked from the waist down, high above the padded floor of the old police infirmary’s observation cell. In the darkness he swings wildly to and fro desperately trying to free his bound arms from the confining canvas straightjacket. Drool pours profusely from his open mouth that is pried and braced open with a steel medical clamp. The mouth clamp muffles his frantic cries for help whilst Superman futility twists and turns wildly suspended naked in the darkness. His powerful bare legs pull desperately to no avail at the thick leather ankle restraints that secure him inverted to the steel spreader bar. It’s been hours since Harvey brutally beat and sodomized him only to leave him to hang by his ankles alone in the darkness completely stripped of… Read More »Allure of Kryptonite Chapter 1

Superman’s Night in the Museum Epilogue
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Superman’s Night in the Museum Author: Lcross Epilogue The next day before his nightshift begins curiosity gets the best of Officer Muldoon; thus the police officer retraces his footsteps of the previous morning down the deserted corridor of east wing of the 23rd Precinct. He reaches the end of the vacant corridor to find the Infirmary’s big door lying battered, its heavy hinges torn from its steel frame, on the hallway’s floor. Muldoon steps across the crippled door and into the infirmary. He switches on the overhead lights and finds the infirmary unsurprisingly empty. But there is broken glass everywhere. The heavy door to the padded cell has also been torn off its large hinges and lies on the floor next to Harvey’s desk. The observation window is blown out and a large electrical motor attached to a hoist wrapped in pieces of heavy broken chain lies on the floor in the center of the infirmary. Muldoon scratches his head and mumbles, “WOO!” He spies a larger playing card strewn over the glass near the exam table. Muldoon walks towards the card causing the broken… Read More »Superman’s Night in the Museum Epilogue

Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Superman’s Night in the Museum Author: Lcross Chapter 4 A block of rectangular light from the infirmary illuminates a prone Man of Steel as he slowly lifts off the padded floor. “I hope I didn’t club him too hard…I want him to remember this,” thinks Harvey. The orderly watches the ascension through the observation window peering into cell. Superman is hung inverted on a trapeze of sorts by his ankles. Superman’s ankles are buckled tightly in the thick restraints attached to either end of a metal spreader bar. Twin chains are attached to the sturdy bar above each ankle; the twin chains connect together above the center of the bar to allow rotation to display the victim from all sides. As the chain retracts the bar rises upwards hauling the big straight jacketed man up off the padded floor upward towards the high ceiling. The biter mask has been removed from Superman’s face. Now his blue eyes are covered with a thick leather blindfold. A stainless metal clamping apparatus is inserted deep into his mouth and secured with black leather straps buckled behind his neck… Read More »Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 4

Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Superman’s Night in the Museum Author: Lcross Chapter 3 The local police precinct is zoo on Halloween; miscreants, freaks and lowlifes of all sorts sit handcuffed on long wooden benches awaiting their turn to be processed. Most are dressed in all sorts of funny or weird costumes donned to revel Halloween Night away. Some have bright colored spiked hair and wear leather collars around their necks; others have large gross looking tattoos all over their necks and arms accented with pierced noses, tongues and whatever. Hair fashions of all types abound: from cornrows to dreadlock to Mohawks. Expressionless uniformed officers mundanely escort handcuffed men and women, young and old, through the labyrinth of people assembled at the precinct. So amid the hellish din of loud shouts, ringing phones and intertwined heated arguments a tall young man dressed in a Superman outfit entering the station goes relatively unnoticed. No one pays much attention to Superman when he is hauled in to stand before the precinct’s desk sergeant. Muldoon steps forward and hands up a written report to his superior. A rotund desk sergeant sitting behind a… Read More »Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 3

Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Superman’s Night in the Museum Author: Lcross Chapter 2 The Joker turns away from the colossal statue of Hermes as the two young burly guards drag Superman on his backside atop his cape back into the main gallery. The guards release Superman’s arms and the unconscious Man of Steel slumps backwards onto the polished marble floor before the towering statue of the messenger of the gods: Hermes. The Joker rubs his gloved hands together as he moves to stand over Superman. The guards grin and move off a distance away from Superman to watch events unfold. The prankster looks down at the unconscious god he has again pulled down from Mount Olympus. “Hermes message to you is ‘leave Earth Superman!’ This is your last warning!” His forewarning delivered the clown surveys the big man slumbering atop his crimson cape with his inert muscled arms extended over his head and legs with big red boots spread wide apart. “If metropolis could see their mighty champion now,” gloats the Joker as he kicks one of Superman’s big red boots while looking with utter distain at the Man… Read More »Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 2

Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 1]This story is part of a serie named “The Further Adventures of Superman” the author divided in 3 parts with multiple chapters: Part 1: Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Part 2: “Superman’s Night in the Museum” Part 3: “Allure of Kryptonite” Please enjoy. Superman’s Night in the Museum Author: Lcross Chapter 1 Months have passed since Superman’s first encounter with the mysterious prankster known as the Joker. He still vividly recalls his painful and humiliating ride on “the Lightning,” while rendered totally powerless by a strange green crystal wielded by the demonic clown.  It is 11:45 PM  31 October: Halloween.  In a few minutes Superman must again encounter his new nemesis in order to retrieve the photo of him naked and illustrating the aftermath of his degrading ride and his vulnerability!  The world populace considers Superman invincible and omnipotent. If the picture were released, Superman would become the laughing stock of the world – his mystique of power and invincibility would be shattered. Criminal scientist everywhere would begin work in earnest to find naturally occurring kryptonite or to make a synthetic substitute! Once acquired kryptonite could… Read More »Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 1

Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Epilogue
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Author: Lcross Epilogue   After departing the English manor house Clark Kent investigated the property and discovered the sprawling manor house and the accompanying estate is “For Sale.” The manor house has been vacant for several months. Clark contacted the estate’s realtor who informed him the elderly Lord Melbourne died last year and had no heirs. Clark reported that he received reports of suspicious activity at the manor house. In turn the realtor promised to have a constable check the estate. Hours later she called back reporting that the area’s constables had checked the mansion and it was “ship shape.” The mansion was found locked up tight and empty. She informed Clark that the upstairs west drawing room he specifically inquired about was used a house arrest late last century. Apparently 30 years ago one of Lord Melbourne’s cousins had a run in with the law and was confined to the mansion to serve his sentence, thus the barred windows. Oddly someone appeared to have snapped a padlock on one set of bars leaving the window open. Otherwise the room was… Read More »Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Epilogue

Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Chapter 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Author: Lcross Chapter 2   Moments after the loud school bell grows silent the large oaken door to the classroom of horrors slowly creaks open. The door sweeps open and Harry sticks his head wearily inside and whispers loudly toward the lectern, “Joker did the green rock work on Superman?” Behind the lectern the head master with seaweed color hair and white ghastly face excitedly motions the boys to come forward and cautions, “I told you to not to call me Joker! Anyway, class is ready to begin. Come boys! See for yourselves…fear not….I have rendered Superman completely powerless. He’ll be breaking no more chains or bending any iron during this class! Come! Go ahead get a closer look at the once mighty – once omnipotent Superman. Look….BUT DO NOT touch boys!” Harry eyes grow wide when he spies Superman stripped naked and strapped down sitting in “The Lightning.” “Blimey, the Joker has stripped the bloke naked mates. Brilliant!” Harry breaks into a trot followed by Bertie and John; the shirtless boys in worn overalls and ratty sneakers dash towards the… Read More »Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Chapter 2

Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Chapter 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.3]Hey this is another story by Lcross, I didn’t remember this story a member of a MeWe’s Group named Fetish of Superman was looking for it. This story is part of a serie named “The Further Adventures of Superman” the author divided in 3 parts with multiple chapters: Part 1: Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Part 2: “Superman’s Night in the Museum” Part 3: “Allure of Kryptonite” Please enjoy.   Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Author: Lcross Chapter 1   As per a third party arrangement via a foreign charity Superman has agreed to fly to England. As per request Superman stages a grand entrance through a tall open window on the second floor of an expansive 18th century English manor house far north of London. Superman has agreed to visit the sprawling English estate to address a private class consisting of the sons of an English noble in return for a rather substantial donation to the charity of Superman’s choice. As planned at the appointed hour Superman touches down lightly entering the manor house through a specified window of a private classroom. His polished red boots… Read More »Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Chapter 1

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. Part 5 A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN   Superman awoke to an empty bed. He groaned and slowly stirred. The room was a shambles. The bed had sprung every spring. The mattress stuffing was piled about like wool at a sheep shearing. The sheets were torn to shreds and stained everywhere. The pillow looked half bitten through. Superman wearily sat up and looked around for his clothes. As he was dressing the memory of what had occurred last night came flooding back to him. He sobbed uncontrollably, his big naked body shaken with grief and humiliation. He tried to rise but felt dizzy and collapsed onto the bed once again. Only then did a now familiar pain arouse him to the continued presence of the Kryptonite. He struggled towards the dressing table, crawling on his hands and knees. He reached for the Kryptonite. It was like grabbing a burning torch, but he fought the urge to fling it away. He looked frantically around the disarray… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 5

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 3 and 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. Part 3 THESE HANDS ARE REGISTERED AS LETHAL WEAPONS   Knotts lunged after him, shouting to “Please, give them back!” Superman had completely forgotten he still held the photos in his hands. Don grabbed them and a brief tug of war ensued. Superman was surprised at Knotts’ wiry strength, fueled by his desperation. Surprised still more that the comedian was actually beginning to win the battle, wresting the photos from Superman’s normally vise-like grip. Don eventually tore them away from Superman and ran around in front of the Man of Steel, slamming the open door shut and locking it. “You’re not going anywhere, Superman. Not until you promise not to say anything about these,” he shouted, tossing the photos aside. “And what is supposed to stop me, that flimsy door, or you?” Superman laughed, pushing Don aside and kicking the door. To his surprise instead of exploding into splinters the thin wooden portal held fast. “That all you got, Superman? Hell, I can kick harder… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 3 and 4

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 1 and 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. 1. THE MONEY SHOT   Clark Kent endeavored to cover the 200th taping of the Andy Griffith Show called a “Money Shot”— (in the business it means syndication is now bankable in reruns). But he can’t seem to get past the stage door security, as even well-known reporters for show business tabloids like Variety and TV Guide aren’t welcomed backstage in the Green Room for the cast party after taping. Buying a studio ticket, he watches the show from the audience and laughs along with everyone else at Don Knott’s antics… such as his trademark bantam rooster swaggering braggadocio and his howler of an ad-libbed line at the end: “Well, I guess there’s “a New Sheriff in Town,” now!” when Andy temporarily puts him in charge as he prepares to go on his honeymoon after marrying his long-time girlfriend. Leaving the theater he notices a ticket seller hawking tickets to the “Adventures of Superman” show, taping across the street at another studio. He gets… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 1 and 2

The Hunter and the Prey Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Hunter and the Prey  Author: Unknown Part 2   Ten hours had passed and a wagon covered truck was rolling along a dusty road in the open wild of Africa. Kraven and his henchmen had captured New York’s Web-Wonder with ease and had transported him to other continent. “When we arrive at the camp, I want Spider-man bound to the stake and given fresh water. Do not remove his mask and do not remove the shackles until ordered. I want him bound for a while so he gain his strength back and then I will give him the rules of how this game will be played. In the end I will win of course” said Kraven. Another 20 minutes had passed and the truck was pulling up to the camp. Several muscle bound men were working about the camp. After stopping, Kraven’s two main henchmen lifted the casket off the back of the truck and opened up the casket and removed the body bag encased the hero. Within 10 minutes Spider-man was shackled and bound with chains to a metal post with his… Read More »The Hunter and the Prey Part 2

The Hunter and the Prey Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0] This story is the continuation of Jokers and Goblins, if I remember correctly it was published in the Yahoo Group named PerilsOfSpiderman. This story wasn’t completed and only 2 parts were published. The story has some grammar problems I try to correct at the best of my knowledge. Hope you enjoy it. The Hunter and the Prey  Author: Unknown Part 1 Thirty-six hours passed since the Green Goblin and Joker had stripped Peter of his manhood. In the hours that had passed Peter managed to find a pair of his torn tights that were somewhat intact and locate his web shooters and his torn stained mask. His shirts were in tatters and could not be worth wearing. Barely able to crawl or walk because of his sore ass, Peter carefully swung home in a great deal of pain. He knew several ribs were cracked from his beatings. Once reaching home Peter managed to drop onto the rooftop of his apartment and stumble through the skylight. Once in his apartment, Peter inched his way into his bedroom and fell onto the bed in his tattered tights… Read More »The Hunter and the Prey Part 1

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 7
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 7 Phantom Zone! Zach’s physics lesson is over; Superboy gets it! The kryptonite studs fused to his collar make him powerless. Zach grabs the end of the chain leash dangling between Superboy’s powerful set of long legs. The fragile boy dressed in black jeans and long jet black leather coat uses the chain attached to the kryptonite collar to pull a sullen Superboy away from the periodic table of elements. Superboy follows the tug of the degrading leash bobbling and stumbling with his big arms cuffed behind his back beneath his scarlet cape. The chain attached between his big red boots rattles and whips loudly as Superboy follows awkwardly in Zach’s wake. The pair reaches a door that leads to a storage room at the back of the science lab. Zach immediately types a series of numbers onto a numeric keypad mounted next to the door. The lock releases and Zach pushes open the windowless wooden door and pulls Superboy inside the storage room.  The unlikely duo, a small Goth boy… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 7

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 1]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 6 Out of the Cubical!   Zach’s one on one time with Superboy is over. Zach feels he has provided the proper incentive for Superboy to be cooperative with the professor. In other words he has broken Superboy! And, just as important, Zach has harvested a sufficient quantity of Superboy’s priceless sperm….for the time being….to begin the research on his alien DNA. So the long awaited initial meeting between Superboy and the small oriental professor is to occur. Thus late in the evening of Day 5, after Zach has fulfilled his promise to strap Superboy to within an inch of his life, the lead cubicle’s door grinds open. Zach emerges from the open lead hatch pulling a thoroughly beaten, dazed and powerless Boy of Steel. Superboy is once again clad in his bright colored superhero costume complete with crimson cape, bright red calf high boots and yellow belt. He is blindfolded, ball gagged and in chains! His bright blue fabric and red cape are streaked with dark powdery dust and dirt… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 6

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 5 Day Five: The Hood   Zach arrives early on Thursday, Day 5. He approaches the frame where Superboy lays motionless. Superboy is still blindfolded with his mouth lodged open with drool running out. Superboy stirs when he hears the sound of a case opening. He feels the now familiar cock ring being maneuvered into position onto the base of his cock secured by his balls. INSTANTLY THE COCK RING TIGHTENS AND SUPERBOY’S COCK BEGINS TO STIR BECOMING QUICKLY STIFF. HIS COCK IS STROKED WITH A LEATHER GLOVE UNTIL IT IS ROCK HARD. SUPERBOY NO LONGER TRIES TO RESIST ZACH. HE MERELY LAYS MOTIONLESS ON THE FRAME AS HE IS MILKED TO A CLIMAX. HE HEARS THE COVER CLOSING ON THE SPECIMEN DISH AS HE CAPS THE SPECIMEN DISH AND STORES IT. The chores are done and Zach moves towards the front of the frame and removes Superboy’s blindfold tossing it casually to the floor. Superboy’s head remains hung in shame. Superboy frowns as Zach kneels down and playfully fingers Superboy’s… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 5

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 4 Day Four of Captivity: Blow Job!   Superboy languishes on the frame through the remainder of the long day and the following night unable to think of anything but getting off. It is maddening! The kryptonite cock ring keeps the Boy of Steel’s big cock rock hard dripping pre-cum. The Teen Titan is utterly helpless; he has been rendered powerless by a strange green element cut and shaped into small studs that were infused into a steel collar that is now locked around his strong neck. Now the once proud superhero is stark naked with a dildo stuck in his ass – his ankles and wrists tightly secured to a steel frame. A cruel bit gag inserted between his bright white teeth cause the Boy of Steel to drool continuously. To Superboy’s frustration his restrained appendages leave him powerless to reach his raging cock and relieve himself!   Long maddening hours past before the lights of the lead lined cubicle finally flickered on; the lead cubicle’s door grinds open and then… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 4

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at ) Part 3: Day Three of Captivity: Giddy Up Superboy!   Hours after Zach’s departure Superboy awakes with a start! It is cold and dark within his cage; there is only dim illumination from the faintly glowing green kryptonite studs infused in his collar; the lead floor is especially cold. He suddenly realizes that Zach has put his head back into the cruel head cage and locked the rubber ball in his mouth again. Superboy begins to move but he feels an intense pressure…as if his balls were clamped behind his legs! Superboy uses his hand and reaches behind; his swallows hard as he realizes his ball sack is tightly secured in a strange steel vice that uses his butt cheeks as leverage…preventing him from standing erect! Superboy sighs as he sullenly rolls, ever so gingerly, onto his hands and knees; he then carefully tries to stand but stops when the vice pulls against his ball sack. Sullenly Superboy grasps that he has no choice but to remain muzzled and on all fours until… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 3

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 2 Day Two of Captivity: The Humbled Boy of Steel!   It must be 8AM Monday morning Superboy thinks as the lead cubicle’s lights come to full illumination. He has taken a hot shower and managed to sleep a few hours on the mattress Zach provided. But now he is awake and somewhat refreshed pacing the cell with a towel wrapped around his waist trying to think of a way to escape; silly Superboy thought, “… even if I get out of this cage I can’t open the lead cubical door without Zach’s access codes. Maybe there are tools outside this cage to break the padlock on this dam collar.” Superboy reaches out and grabs the steel bars and pulls but his muscular arms have no super strength. No use…the bars are too strong! He sighs and hangs his head keeping his grip on the steel bars that a day ago he could have snapped like strands of uncooked spaghetti!  Superboy concedes that Zach has been right on the money about… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 2