Superman Vanquished Part 65 (1)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] Superman Vanquished Part 6 Trapped in the Radiation Well Author: Lcross Above in the lab’s control room Eden watches intently on the large HD panel as Superman unwittingly steps onto the floor of the radiation well. He continues to watch as Superman inspects the well looking for a problem that does not exist. Eden sips on a Red Bull as he watches Superman make his way to the middle of the well. A green light flashes on his console flashes in quick succession indicating the all systems are ready and the radiation well is ready to be brought online. Eden grins wickedly as he hits the return key on his keyboard that executes a series of predetermined computer commands and smiles as his console chirps then ceases and a side computer monitor screen flashes in large green letters: “Upper Shaft Door Secure,” followed by “Radiation Well Secure.” “OKAY, says Eden as he claps his hands together. Superman is sealed in the professor’s well!” He quickly types a series of commands into his computer keyboard as he listens on the speaker as… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 6