
The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5B
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 5 Confessions Chapter 5B…… more Confessions   Officer Ted Glavine adjusted his naked, sore bottom on the hard seat of the chair where he sat at his computer. “What the hell have I gotten into here?” he worried. Lex Luthor was a crazy person. The technical officer was having second thoughts about his getting mixed up with such a mad man. But, at the same time, he realized that he was already in too deep. Luthor had him just where he wanted him. He had two choices, do what Luthor ordered, or let Sgt. Walters report his illegal activities to the chief. Neither choice was very appealing currently. However, wisely, Officer Glavine decided to just stay in his current position, for the time being. “Hopefully, this situation won’t get any worse, and crazy Luthor will leave my ass out of the equation!” Glavine hoped. “I’ll just make sure to do a very good job of editing this Superman footage for the madman. Maybe that will keep him appeased!” the technician reasoned with himself. He went… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5B

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5A
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 5 Confessions Chapter 5A … Confessions   Detective Carlilse and DA Cartwright entered the anteroom of Interrogation K. They were shocked to see Lex Luthor with his dick embedded in Officer Glavine’s ass. The fucked technical officer had a look of sheer humiliation mixed with terror on his sweaty tear soaked face. “It was bad enough that the crime boss had had his way with  him, but now there were witnesses to his embarrassing rape.” Officer Glavine thought. “Mr. Luthor1 What’s going on here?” DA Cartwright mustered the nerve to ask. “I thought we were here to break Superman, not the police force.” The DA kind of just blurted it out before he realized who he was speaking to.  Luthor pulled his dripping cock out of the defeated officer’s ass and answered, “Yeah well that fucking super freak in there is enough to turn a staright man to do things he never thought he would. I just needed a little release, and it’s much to soon for me to join you guys in there with… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 5A

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 4
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 4. Interrogation K   As soon as they got a few feet away from the room that had been the crime fighting hero’s torture chamber for  longer than he’d even care to guess, Superman started feeling a little bit better. He was still weak as a kitten, but things weren’t as confusing as they had been inside that room. The past few hours were all a blur to the man of steel. Of course, Superman had no way of knowing that the room he had just been held in had recently been repainted. The paint had come from Lexcorps along with the articles of torture that had been used on the hero. It was mixed with trace amounts of Superman’s homeland, Kryptonite. But Superman didn’t know that, and chalked his feeling better up to the cold shower. The freezing shower had helped to clear some of the cobwebs, but then that sadistic sergeant had switched the hero’s digression up a knotch by first forcing him to clean up all that cum from his own penis,… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 4

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 3
5 (5)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 5 Average: 5]  The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 3. The Booking When Detective Carlilse joined his partner in the police issued sedan, he stole a glance of the super prisoner stuffed in the back seat. He was right. Even the small amount of kryptonite that had been secreted into the metal handcuffs with which the suspect of steel had been restrained was having an effect. Superman was noticably sweating. Only kryptonite could force that fluid from the super brow. The lead detective grinned at Superman and asked, “Comfy, Supes?” Superman was beginning to feel sick to his stomache. He tried to shake some of the sweat from his forehead, as with his hands cuffed behind him, he couldn’t very well wipe his brow. He was becoming more and more confused. His mind began to wander. He had to focus. He thought to himself, ” What is going on here? There is no kryptonite around. couldn’t be. My super senses would have picked it up surely. But that infernal ore was the only thing that could possibly make him feel like this. Or was… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 3

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 2
0 (0)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]   The Murder of Clark Kent  by Sockrob   Chapter 2. The Initial Questioning              When Officer Steven Bartlett ended his radio call, Superman told Officer Bartlett that he was just going to go into the bathroom and clean up. “I assure you that I won’t go anywhere, Iv’e just had one hell of an evening. I really need to freshen up.” Superman tried to explain. “I am afraid that won’t do, Superman. Please wait until homicide gets here and clears you. You appear to be covered in evidence.” the cop professionally stated. His partner, Officer Mike Nugent, agreed but added, “Superman I am sure that there is a good explanation for all this, but please just stay right where you are until we find out what that explanation is.” Both Officers continued to hold their useless weapons on the super hero. Superman took a seat at on a chair by the dresser to wait. He was totally confused. every few seconds he’d satre at the corpse looking for some sign of the imposters true identity. He used his x-ray vision to scan the… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 2

The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 1
0 (0)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0] The Murder of Clark Kent by Sockrob   Chapter 1. Astonishment   Superman swooped down from flight onto the balcony of his alter ego Clark Kent.He had spent the night fighting a ruthless crimal gang, in of all places the Metropolis landfill. The gang was running a meth lab from a warehouse shack there.They had given him a real run for his money.His blue nylon and spandex uniform was filthy. Opening the french doors that led into his/Clark’s bedroom, Superman was astounded at the sight before him. A naked man lay across his bed covered in blood.Superman rushed to the aid of the unknown intruder.The naked bludgeoned body lay face down. From the appearance of things it looked like the man had been beaten to a pulp by someone with brute strenghth. A quick glance around the body produced no apparent weapon.Without thinking Superman reached down gingerly and felt the man’s carotid for a pulse. There was none. Then superman slowlyrolled the naked body over.For the second time in since he arrived home, superman jumped back in amazement. The man on the bed was… Read More »The Murder of Clark Kent Chapter 1

The Skin of his Teeth Part 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Skin of His Teeth   Part 2     Denton eased the cart over beside Clark and starting making some adjustments to the controls after powering it on.  Clark fidgeted in his seat as Drake placed a heavy lead vest over his torso, trying to think of some way out of his predicament.   “Uh, umm…I don’t think that’s really necessary, Doctor.  I feel fine, really!” he mumbled.   “I am the Doctor, Mr. Kent.  Why don’t you let me decide what you need.  It’s just an x-ray, not a drill, after all.  I promise you won’t hurt a bit when I’m done with you.”  Denton said, smiling that mesmerizing smile of his.  He leaned in close to Clark and laid his strong hand on Clark’s shoulder, his thumb grazing and tickling his ear.  Clark felt flushed and confused.   “Don’y worry about a thing.  Just let me take over.  I’ve never had a patient complain yet about my bedside manner.” he quipped, that damned grin dazzling and disarming him at the same time.  He betrayed no sign of being guarded in this… Read More »The Skin of his Teeth Part 2

The Skin of his Teeth Part 1
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]   The Skin of his Teeth Part 1     Clark Kent stared at the memo the mailroom boy had dropped unceremiously on his desk as he was preoccupied doing the final draft of his article on the latest City proposal for the Dockside property development.  While keeping his outer composure his heart skipped a beat.  He feared these little complications most of all.  Fight a ten-story high killer robot?  Yawn!  Plug an erupting volcano with a gigantic battleship slated for the scrapyard?  Don’t you have anything hard for him to do?   But these things came as close to driving a wedge of fear into his self confidence to deal with any crisis as he’d ever known.  He stared down at the memo again.  The bean-counters in the Human Resources Dept. had determined in their infinite wisdom he was overdue to get his annual dental check-up to satisfy the group insurance dictates for all Daily Planet employees.   He’d been clever enough to dodge this bullet in the past, managing to be away on assignment during the re-enrollment period.  But someone had spotted… Read More »The Skin of his Teeth Part 1

Man Of Steel to Man Of Sex
4.5 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 4.5]  Man Of Steel to Man Of Sex   Superman had received a distressing tip from his co worker and confidant Jimmy Olsen that a charity auction in the city of metropolis was really an auction for young college men to be auctioned off to local crime bosses into lives of sexual slavery.  Of course the man of steel knew that if such a thing where happening in the streets of metropolis that only one man could truly help him get to the bottom of it. His name was Beaumont Livingston, forty years old and the king of the strip clubs and brothels that lined the seedier neighborhoods of metropolis.  It was a part of the city police feared to tread knowing that Beaumont would murder them, and because police usually steered clear of the area it was a murder that would likely remain unsolved.  The only one with enough guts to pay the area a visit was of course the courageous champion of metropolis. It was not a task the man of steel completed with any relish or enthusiasm however.  It made his muscular… Read More »Man Of Steel to Man Of Sex

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 7
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Seven He was shaking in my arms, holding on to his last moments. His eyes were looking straight into mine but getting weaker, lips quivering as if he wanted to kiss me even though I had destroyed him. I held him hard, cradling him. My mind went in all directions. Then it struck me! It was a long shot. I had one syringe of K-steroid left. Vaccinations contain the very disease they are trying to prevent. Maybe it would work. I grabbed the one remaining needle of steroid and slammed it into his chest. The needle pierced his Kryptonite-weakened skin. “AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he yelled. I held him as the green liquid went into his body. This would either kill him or… I didn’t know. I just hoped. Suddenly his body stiffened and arched. He let out another yell that lasted for more than two minutes. Every muscle in his frame tensed as if he were being electrocuted. I’m sure it was beyond unbearable! He shook his head from side to side, veins popping… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 7

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 6
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Six   I reached down and fingered his ass. It was like a vice. “I’m going in whether you loosen up or not, so relax…” I started massaging his ass. He breathed deep and my fingers started to enter. I placed the tip of my cock at his hole and pushed. It still wouldn’t go in. I ran my fingers around his hole and leaned down and kissed him. My fingers went in further, followed my first push – a few inches up. Superman grit his teeth. I pried his teeth apart with my tongue and pushed my cock further in. “Uhhhhhh.” he grimaced as I broke through the first ring. My K-steroid dick would have gutted a normal man, but Superman wasn’t a normal man. I raised my torso back and started pushing in and out, grabbing him by the obliques. He started to move with my moves. I was part way up but still not all in. “Come on, boy… let it go.” I leaned over and kissed him. Then… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 6

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 5
4.8 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 4.8]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Five I kneeled down, turned him over and wiped the red from his mouth. I held him there for a moment, a massive dead weight in my arms. He breathing was low. I leaned down and breathed air into his prone body. My tongue probed his mouth, his lips, his tongue. His head started bobbing. His eyes opened looking into mine. His chest swelled and relaxed as he lay there defeated. Suddenly, I grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed it hard. I flexed my bicep inches from his face. It shot into a fight-pumped double peak that must have been 28″ – big as his head. My tone was harsh and forceful. “Look at that muscle!” I barked. “These are the guns that took you down.” He looked up at me barely conscious. “You want to feel it?” I said. He seemed to tremble in my grip and hesitated for moments. “Feel it!” I commanded. His eyes stared at the huge muscle, at the cuts, at the veins sprawling from… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 5

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Four   He rushed me. I sidestepped and he lunged past me. I tackled him and we went rolling on the ground, locked like snarling dogs, arms and legs intertwined. I was on top of him. He managed to fist me in the side. UGGHHH! He bridged up with his back lifting me off the ground, pushing up with his left leg and rolling on top of me. Fist into myface. I saw stars! Tasted more blood! Another fist into my face.  My head smashed down into the cement. I managed to grab both his wrists and push him back. I whipped my legs up, locking my ankles around his neck, pushing with all my strength – my quads against his massive torso, my arms against his massive arms. He shaking, straining, his cock grinding hard against my cock, face going red. Icould just see his mind trying to figure out all these sensations – “fight to finish!” or “fuck to the finish!” – it was one and the same. I thrust… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 4

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 3
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Three He rushed at me like a lightning bolt, slamming into me, smashing us through the wall of the hanger. Even though he couldn’t fly the momentum sent us hurtling straight across the airfield at 90 miles an hour. The wind was knocked out of me. I tried to grapple him down, but we were going too fast. Straight across the field, then SLAMMMMM!!! We hit the base of a tall steel tower. Metal girders crashed around us like tinker toys. He rolled on top of me and slammed his fist into my face.  Urgrgh!  That hurt. We were invulnerable, but because we each had Kryptonian DNA invulnerable was relative. We could do damage to each other. Yeah! What’s a fight without damage? I returned the blow, slamming him hard in the chin with enough force to catapult him back, metal girders flying in all directions. He landed with a crash on the cement and picked up a girder as he rolled to his feet. He swung at me. I saw it… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 3

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 2
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Two   “Aaaaaarrgggghhh!” I let out a yell that came from the most intense pleasure and most intense pain you could imagine as all my muscles began to heave like moving earth. My back curved and swelled, my chest heaved out. It was better than any pump at the gym. I could feel the muscle fibers multiplying by the millions. You could almost hear it, like an avalanche of rumbling rock. My shirt went first, ripping open as my chest exploded out and my arms burst their sleeves. My pants buttons shot off, and the legs tore open. Veins shot out all over my paper-thin skin. They glowed and pulsed green through my tan. The shreds of clothing fell off my body as I stood up. As I had planned my brief and my boots stretched with the growth and were all that remained on my massive body. Superman had a puzzled look on his face. I was the same 6′, but now weighed at least 350 pounds. I stretched my arms… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 2

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 1
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part One   I’m a fighter – professional, underground – not the biggest, but the best! It’s taken me years to develop my body into a supreme fighting machine – 6′, 210 pounds of solid, lighting-quick, gymnast-agile muscle. Fifteen years of pumping iron, rigorous diet and supplement, first level training in every martial art, and yeah, a few chemical helpers, forging a 50″ chest, a 30″ waist, shredded 8 pack, 20″ arms, 28″ quads, 20″ calves, and a 9″ x 6″ man-ramming cock. And I know how to use all of it! And I know how to use one other “muscle”, the fastest, strongest “muscle” of all – the brain. You see… fighting’s a nighttime hobby.  During the daytime I work at Star Labs as a biochemist. I’m good. I produce. I’m quiet. I keep to myself. But when the lab coat comes off, I hit the gym and chew up iron, destroy punching bags and take on any and all guys who think they can beat me. And then – for the… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 1

Milking the Stallion Part 23 (Final)
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 23 (Final Chapter):  Mind Broken   “I want you to find him at all costs – dead or alive! And Ruin too!” yelled Lex Luthor into the phone followed by a loud angry slam. With a sigh, Lex laid back on his chair alone in his office as he anxiously played with his cigar smoke in the dark, barely lit by the light of the clear full moon shining through the tall window panel behind his desk. It was an unsettling night. The air was still and stifling. There were no news from Ruin for the past two months. Neither were there any sightings of the Man of Steel himself. It was as if the two people had disappeared right from the face of the earth. The sudden appearance of Parasite in his premises was equally disturbing. That infernal creature had singlehandedly destroyed his multi-million dollar laboratory and the entire stock of Superman’s precious cum. Lex ground his teeth at the very thought of the foul creature. He swore vengeance silently to himself. It was all too coincidental –… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 23 (Final)

Milking the Stallion Part 22
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 22: Twins   Parasite leaned forward down to the quivering blindfolded Man of Steel who had absolutely no clue of his predicament and peeled off the eye mask in the most deliberate manner. The dim light felt overpowering to the pale lipped superhero. His vision was a complete blur at first and gradually sharpen. The black figure that knelt before him between his thighs slowly came into form and color. It took him a complete astonishment. Instead of the small and petite professor, there before him was a muscular purple monster with a huge suction mouth like a leech. “Who …who .. are … you?” asked the bound and helpless superhero, his voice stammered breathlessly. “Don’t you remember me, Superman?” the Parasite retorted mockingly. “Your forgotten friend from the high security prison cell, devoid of all human contacts.” The voice – it is so familiar. Superman closed his eyes for a second and opened his eyes again in with a dreaded fear. “Parasite,” replied Superman silently. Realizing his grave situation, he tried to summon his last remaining strength, if… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 22

Milking the Stallion Part 21
4.7 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.7]  Milking the Stallion  Part 21: The Cure   “Professor Hamilton?” asked Superman as he stood at the doorway leading in a dimly lit laboratory. “Yes Superman, come in,” answered the bespectacled professor who walked out of the shadows, almost deliberately. Superman walked in confidently and stood in front of the professor with his arms folded. The dim light outlined and accentuated his well-defined biceps and his partially squeezed pecs arms like two mounting mole hills, one casting shadow on the other. The mighty S emblem subtly expand and contract in rhythm to those pecs with each breath the Man of Steel took. In comparison to the swimmer-built bulk of a hunk, the professor stood half a head shorter, half balding and looking frail, though his eyes betrayed immense knowledge and intelligence. “I heard you have finally come up with a solution to my problem, professor,” said Superman. “Indeed I have, Superman,” replied Professor Hamilton as he held up a vial of liquid toward Superman. “This liquid is my concoction, containing a designer drug, aimed to permanently counteract the effects of the kryptonian sex drug.… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 21

Milking the Stallion Part 20
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 20: Secrets Revealed   “Most interesting … ” muttered the man in lab suit as he observed through the microscope. while jotting down notes. It was late at night, no one was around in the laboratory at Lex Corp except this scientist.  The lights were off everywhere else except his desk. His unruly hair and unshavened face suggested countless sleepless nights. But the studies on Superman’s precious sperm were too intriguing. Not to mention the constant pressures from Lex Luthor to discover a way to fertilize human eggs with those sperms. There were limited stock and time is running out fast. A sudden screech sound of the door coming from the corner of the laboratory startled the scientist, breaking him from his deep concentration. “Who is that?” The scientist asked out loud while peering into the darkness. Minutes of uncanny silence went by. “Hello?” asked the scientist again as he stood up from his chair. Suddenly a purple figure lunged out from the darkness and grabbed the scientist.  A purple glow filled the room for a few seconds and… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 20