
The Kryptonite Collar II Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 2 Day Two of Captivity: The Humbled Boy of Steel!   It must be 8AM Monday morning Superboy thinks as the lead cubicle’s lights come to full illumination. He has taken a hot shower and managed to sleep a few hours on the mattress Zach provided. But now he is awake and somewhat refreshed pacing the cell with a towel wrapped around his waist trying to think of a way to escape; silly Superboy thought, “… even if I get out of this cage I can’t open the lead cubical door without Zach’s access codes. Maybe there are tools outside this cage to break the padlock on this dam collar.” Superboy reaches out and grabs the steel bars and pulls but his muscular arms have no super strength. No use…the bars are too strong! He sighs and hangs his head keeping his grip on the steel bars that a day ago he could have snapped like strands of uncooked spaghetti!  Superboy concedes that Zach has been right on the money about… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 2

The Kryptonite Collar II Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar II Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 1 “Imprisonment”   Superboy is still kneeling before Zach when Zach claps his hands once and stands up before the kneeling hero and proclaims, “OKAY! I said noncompliance would bring swift punishment and compliance would bring reward, “You may get up off your knees Superboy. But you head will remain bowed and your hands clasped behind your back…a sign of submission to your new master.” Superboy face is lined with tears and streaks of dirt looks as he looks up at Zach. He slowly replies, “Yes sir.” Zach smirks with satisfaction and then reaches down to help the bigger and more powerful looking boy to his feet. Once on his feet the naked Boy of Steel obediently complies by standing unsteadily before Zach with his head bowed and hands clasped behind his back. Zach studies the taller muscular boy standing subdued before him and then remarks, “I’ll have to do something about that hard on your sporting Clark.” Superboy’s face is beet red as Zach laughs at the humiliated Boy of… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar II Part 1

The Kryptonite Collar Part 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 6 “Zach Tames the Boy of Steel” Superboy has lost all track of time. Zach left him bound and gagged, with a dildo stuffed up his ass and a raging hard on thanks to the Kryptonite cock ring.  Superboy’s mind races as he kneels bound and gagged. Zach was right – it did make him horny – restrained and powerless before Zach. He can only think of Zach and how cruelly he had butt fucked him with the ram rod…and how Zach would punish him further whether he submitted to his will or not…this was just a taste. God knows what twisted plans Zach and the professor had in store for him. Zach said my days were numbered. Zach might kill me when he is thorough with his experiments and examinations! Zach wants to break my spirit…take my pride.  What choice did I really have? The collar has made Zach his…it finally registered…his MASTER. How easily he tricked me with the false cold fusion ploy to manipulate me and trap me here… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar Part 6

The Kryptonite Collar Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 2]  The Kryptonite Collar Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 5 “The Frame” ”I think it’s time we start your training Superboy. I want to tame you before I start my examination and research. Your sperm will be priceless! It will make things much easier if you’re submissive before Professor Cho and I start our physical examinations! All my life, even here at MU, kids have bullied me and ridiculed me for being smart…calling me a geek … a fag! Now I’ll show these assholes I’m not a geek. When I show them I have mastered the mighty Superboy nobody will ever fuck with me again … ever.” “But I’m getting ahead of myself. First I’ll have to break you Superboy. We’re on a schedule so I’m going to snap your spirit real quick,” declares Zach. Superboy’s eyes widened as Zach grabs a clump of Superboy’s wet hair and pulls it, dragging Superboy to his feet. His poor weakened body feels so heavy and tired now. Superboy struggles and stumbles to his feet, and stands naked and weak with his head slumped;… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar Part 5

The Kryptonite Collar Part 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 4 “Superboy Stripped of His Gear” Zach stands triumphantly over Superboy who lies on the lead floor in a kryptonite induced stupor. Drool streams out the side of his mouth. Zach laughs and nudges comatose superhero roughly with his sneaker and says, “Superboy, what we have here is a classic example  of the triumph of brains over brawn. You won’t be going back to Mount Olympus today! You won’t be going back to Mount Olympus ever!!  HA HA HA HA HA!!!” … but Superboy’s head is spinning wildly and he can’t comprehend Zach’s remarks.   In time Superboy’s head begins slowly to clear and he struggles to make sense of what Zach is saying; he starts to stir on the floor and is starting to regain his senses. He is still quite dizzy and the collar burns on his neck. He is too weak to rise off the floor on his own and is completely bewildered; it has all had happened so fast! One question races threw his mind. “What is kryptonite? Superboy… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar Part 4

The Kryptonite Collar Part 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Kryptonite Collar Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 3 “The K Collar”   Zach looks down with satisfaction at the familiar god-like, red and blue clad figure now on his knees in front of him soaked in sweat. His hair is disheveled and matted down and his head hangs in utter defeat. Zach laughs wickedly and reaches forward and with both hands grabs two fists full of the wet blue elastic fabric of Superboy’s jumpsuit. He pulls up but is not strong enough to raise the much larger super hero.  “GET UP!” he snarls, “GET UP AND DO IT NOW!” Superboy seems unable to resist and weekly struggles to his feet as Josh pulls up on his shirt.  Once Superboy stands weakly and swaying, Josh roughly shoves Superboy back hard against the lead wall with a dull thud. Zach steadies the helpless superhero leaning exhaustedly against the lead wall for support and steps back to admire his prize. Superboy leans unsteadily as his head drops and hangs on his chest. Zach reaches forward grabs a fistful of Superboy’s wet hair… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar Part 3

The Kryptonite Collar Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Kryptonite Collar Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 2 “Kr”   The whirling sound of machinery comes to life and the lead door shifts slightly and begins to slowly slide open to the right on heavy steel tracks mounted above and below the lead door.  As soon as lead door cracks and begins to slide open an intense glowing green light pours out of the lead cubical and illuminates a significant portion of the basement. As the door slides open wider the green illumination intensifies. Superboy instinctively raises his hands over his eyes and with a yell of terrified pain he realizes too late that he has blundered into some kind of a trap that has been set for him. Superboy tries in vain to shield himself from the bombardment of the strange green radiation, but the rays are much too powerful and he can already feel himself quickly weakening.  Superboy is completely confused as he struggles and his super strength wanes. In desperation Superboy staggers toward the door blindly and manages to push the button labeled “CLOSE” hoping to… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar Part 2

The Kryptonite Collar Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] The Kryptonite Collar Author: Lcross.  (originally posted at )   Part 1 “Cold Fusion”   The red and blue clad figure of Superboy flashes at tremendous speed out of the boundaries of Smallville and streaks north toward Metropolis University. The sun is just breaking the horizon on a beautiful spring day as he streaks through the brightening spring sky. It is Sunday morning and Superboy wants to snoop around MU’s Science Laboratory in Building 12 while his fellow student, Zach, sleeps unsuspectingly in his dorm room. I’ll search the lab and be back in Smallville before Zach suspects I’ve investigated his project thinks Superboy. He quickly reaches MU and sites Building 12 on the sprawling MU Campus. Zach’s a genius…too smart for his own good…thinks Superboy. In disguise as Clark Kent, Superboy using his super hearing, recently overheard tantalizing tidbits of alarming conversations that took place between Professor Cho and Zach.  Kent has learned by eavesdropping that the two have been secretly collaborating trying to develop the world’s first prototype cold fusion reactor. Zach has provided the brain power and Cho, as Science… Read More »The Kryptonite Collar Part 1

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 5   Peter watched as The Mask smashed a strange looking machine. Could that be what took away his powers? he thought wildly. He tried to stop the muscle man from destroying the only chance he had to regain his former life, but he was tossed aside easily. “No!” Peter screamed as the machine was smashed to little bits. Sirens could be heard in the background as the villain accomplished what many had dreamed, The Mask had destroyed Spider-Man. The sirens grew louder and louder as the villain slammed Peter to the ground causing the former hero to cry out in pain. “You never should have messed with me boy!” The newly powered villain hissed as he leaped into the shadows. Peter cried for his tormentor to return as The Mask was his only hope to ever regaining his powers. Standing alone in the wrestling ring, the former hero tried to figure out what he was going to do. His thoughts were interrupted as the doors slammed open as the police flooded the room with… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 5

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 4   Yesterday, Peter Parker was on top of the world. He was the mighty hero, Spider-Man, and fought crime against the criminal element of New York City. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would be powerless sucking on the cock of a washed up wrestler. His ass felt like it was on fire as the cool air seemed to make the stinging even worse. His own cock was out of control and hard so if someone was watching, they would think he was turned on by serving the bigger man. His jaw felt like it would break at any moment trying to take in the monster cock of the huge wrestler. As a straight man, Peter never touched another man’s cock and the thought of sucking it like he was a woman was repulsive to him. He would have refused to service the man who stole his powers, but the recent memory of the spanking he had to endure was too much for him to handle. There was no amusement… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 4

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 3   Peter could not believe his eyes as he left the Daily Bugle and hopped on the subway home. After delivering his pictures, Jonas kept him busy all day with tasks leaving him unable to start his own investigation. It was unlike Jonas to work him like this but he was too worried about his own reputation to really think about it. Every aspect of the media believed that it was Spider-Man who committed the murder and he had to watch helplessly as they slammed his alter ego all day. Even Peter could not fault them for believing their once beloved hero snapped and committed murder. The evidence seemed daunting and the it only made Peter want to hurry home and clear his name before too much damage was done. The talk on the subway was all about Spider-Man and their belief that he had snapped. Peter could not believe the general public would turn on him this quickly. Could Hobgoblin be right when he told Spider-Man how the public lived for the fall… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 3

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Hey, here is the continuation of this great story, for me is very special because is one of the few of my favorite superhero and it was wrote by one of my favorite authors, if you want to see more of Todd’s work you can go to his Patreon, he also have some books in Amazon. The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 2   New York was blanketed by the dark starry night as the City that never sleeps pulsed with the night life. One of the largest buildings in the whole city sat quietly in the business district. Oscorp was the largest business dedicated to research for military application. Even with the problems of the CEO and owner of the company, Harry Osborn, the research giant stood out from its competition. The Mask, clad in all black, looked out at New York from the roof of the monstrous building. He looked at his watch and waited in the silent night for the signal. His plans for revenge against the hero who ruined his life were complicated, but he did not want… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 2

A Close Shave
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  A CLOSE SHAVE   Superman appears in an insolated compound outside of Metropolis.  It consists of a bunker-like concrete home surrounded by luxurious tennis courts, Olympic size pool, and lush gardens.  He confronts the owner, a middle-aged nerdy type called Jason Close.He says he has been shown a disturbing e-mail sent to Clark Kent regarding some claims he made.  The email said he had gained control of the Pentagon’s top-secret program, the Armageddon Project.  It is a series of killer satellites blanketing the globe from high space that can emit powerful particle beams to earth.Close does not deny it, in fact boasts of his ability to target any spot on earth with precise geo-positioning coordinates.  He says he is an ex-government employee specializing in computer control systems.  His private specialty was hacking into such systems as an intellectual exercise.  But when he found he could hijack the entire system he knew he had a powerful bargaining chip with Superman.  He says he always had a talent for sneaking in back ways and getting the drop on people. In school he used to sneak into… Read More »A Close Shave

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 11
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 3]Note: This is the last chapter published by the author.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are property of the authors.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 11   Kyle was smiling as he entered the shower to take his much needed bath. Not only because he was high as fuck, nor for the relief to finally getting out of his itchy and stinking Green Lantern costume to clean out his body, but also because apparently he had been able to trick the thugs that had fucked up his brain so much. The magnificent vision of those first-rate half naked alpha men had almost clouded the mind of the lustful hero again, but despite being madly horny for them, he had been able to resist their charms, keep his head reasonably clear and still be the same old Kyle Rayner, “The Torchbearer” who shepherded the light of the Green Lanterns when the Corps was destroyed. Well,… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 11

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 10
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Note: This story is still in process of publication at the time of this publication the story has 11 chapters.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are property of the authors.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 10   The mighty Green Lantern was enjoying the warm puddle of piss on the grimy floor of the gang’s hideout when he heard the familiar commotion of police cars driving up to the place. It had only been a couple of minutes since he neutralized that threat, but not before they had used him as a public pissoir. The hero looked up at the sound. ‘Good, the cops are here,’ the once-proud superhero thought with a big, goofy smile. His glance trailed down to the rockhard pole between his legs, and for some reason, he felt the need to compliment it, too. ‘We did it! Good job, bro!’ The words ‘Dick Bro’ instantly came up in his mind.… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 10

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 9
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Note: This story is still in process of publication at the time of this publication the story has 11 chapters.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are property of the authors.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 9 The visit to S.T.A.R. Lab had been useful, but it didn’t go as well as Green Lantern had hoped. He had found evidence pointing to some brain-related research being carried ou there: a blurry photocopy with the label ‘VC-U-DL-0-0’ with some post-it notes attached to it by a ‘Dr. Johnsthon’ shoved at the bottom of a trash can. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything more clear-cut about what the project was about, or what he was dealing with. Most of the cabinets had been cleared out. Any equipment or files related to the project were no longer there, but he did find more information about the small devices that left the thieves confused. They were equipment for monitoring brain activity,… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 9

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 8
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Note: This story is still in process of publication at the time of this publication the story has 11 chapters.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are property of the authors.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 8   Kyle Rayner used to be a morning person. He began his days at dawn, starting off with some weight training, then a quick shower and a healthy breakfast. He’d even manage to squeeze in a couple of morning patrols. From time to time, he’d try to make small differences to throw the criminals off: a slight change in patrol time, or going through a different patrol route, but he’d make sure he had a basic daily routine. And on top of that, he’d still find time to work on his art. Kyle knew that the secrets to success were hard work and discipline. He had people depending on him as Green Lantern. He had to be on… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 8

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 7
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Note: This story is still in process of publication at the time of this publication the story has 11 chapters.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are property of the authors.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 7   Kyle opened the door to his former apartment, and was greeted by the scent of reheated pizza. His two prisoners, Boss and Papi, had taken it upon themselves to heat up their lukewarm pizza. It hadn’t gone fully cold yet, but they were both too distracted to eat it a moment ago. ‘Really, Chuy? Fuck, baby, I can’t believe it! You really did that? Ha, ha! You’re the best!’ T-Bone exclaimed, not noticing Kyle walk back in as he eyed the pizza in the microwave. As soon as the cycle finished, and T-Bone pulled out the pizza, Kyle’s appetite suddenly returned with a vengeance. His stomach rumbled loudly, prompting both T-Bone and Chuy to turn around and… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 7

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Note: This story is still in process of publication at the time of this publication the story has 11 chapters.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are property of the authors.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 6   Every delivery boy from Cheezy Dan’s Cheese Pit had a story to tell. It was inevitable. With the hours that they worked, and the neighborhoods that they frequented, weird things were bound to happen. There were stories about bloody crime scenes, suspected cults, an alien abduction or two, and even some supernatural stuff. And there were stories about sex, too, of course. Some guys claimed to have walked up to a big mansion or a fancy house, to find a scantily clad customer ready for action. Some claim to have been propositioned by lonely men and women. There were even some stories about beautiful couples wanting to spice up their sex life with an impromptu threesome. And… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 6

Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Note: This story is still in process of publication at the time of this publication the story has 11 chapters.  No copyright infringement intended; this is simply written for adult enjoyment. Green Lantern and other comic book characters and places belong to DC. The rest of the characters and concepts are mine.   Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Authors (Plymouth58 and GoodTime) Chapter 5   ‘And… there we go,’ Green Lantern mumbled. The mindfucked superhero was finally able to loop the hooks of his hot pink bra in place. ‘Boy, you’d think someone who could kick supervillain’s asses could hook their own bra. That was harder than fighting Sinestro and the rest of the Black Lanterns Corps combined,’ he said, an amused grin on his face. He adjusted the elastic straps over his sculpted shoulders one more time, shifting the cups a bit to make sure it covered his tight pecs. He looked at his hard muscled body, covered daintily by the hot pink bra, and wondered how the flimsy material and tiny metallic hooks would work in action. He looked around, making sure no… Read More »Green Lantern: The Emerald Downgrade Chapter 5