
Milking the Stallion Part 8
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 8: Lab Rat   The elevator door opened, Superman stepped into the lab together with the henchmen. Dr Rhamsdin and a team of doctors had been waiting for their arrival. “Having fun?” asked Dr Rhamsdin, as he noted all the dried cum stains on Superman’s suit and face. The delicious musky scent of superman’s dried filled the room. “We can’t possibly be conducting tests in your current state of filthiness. It’s good that I expected this. I have my two interns prepared to clean you up. Max and Jon, come get our subject cleaned. I want him scrupulously clean!” Two hunky lads clad only in red hot speedo emerged from the crowd, looking ready to get wet. They went up to Supernan’s side and guided him to the shower room. The shower room was made of clear transparent glass. Everyone stood around the shower room to watch the cleaning process. The interns slowly stripped Superman piece by piece until he was totally naked, revealing the full glory of his entire toned body. Every muscle and tendon were well defined… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 8

Milking the Stallion Part 7
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 7: The Submission   It was not a restful sleep. It was a sleep filled with many dreams – many vivid, lewd dreams. Dreams of Superman fucking a horde of willing men and women – Lana Lang, Lois Lane, Green Lantern, Robin, Wonder Woman, Flash, Batman, Jimmy, unknown people down the street. Men, women – it dosen’t matter. All it mattered was him cumming over and over, getting his nuts off. This was not the Superman of truth, justice and morality. This was a super man whore free from all responsibilities, honor and ethics.  Breaking out in cold sweats, Superman opened his eyes slowly. His vision was blurred for a moment, and slowly sharpened. He began to make out the figures in front of him … Sitting right in front was his arch nemesis,Lex Luthor who was watching Superman. There were a group of henchmen standing behind. Beside Lex, stood two curious looking men in a white lab coat. “Had a good sleep? We had been waiting patiently for you.” said Lex, finally breaking the silence. His tone hinted… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 7

Milking the Stallion Part 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 6. The Release   “Well, well, well, the indomitable Superman begging me?” taunted Lex Luthor as he walked into the room together with two bodyguards. Lex stopped momentarily, taking a deep breath. “Smell of a kryptonian in heat.” “Lex, please … my nuts are burning … Make me cum … Please …,” pleaded the Man of Steel breathlessly. He was hyperventilating. Lex Luthor was clearly enjoying every moment. The great and almighty Superman, begging Lex Luthor to masturbate him, he mused. “You mean you don’t mind me doing those “sick” experiments on your sperms?”asked Lex mockingly. The Man of Steel stared blankly and closed his eyes. Finally he shook his head in defeat.”No, I don’t care. Do what you want with them. Please just make me cum. I beg you, just make me cum …” Lex Luthor laughed. It was a power trip he truly enjoyed. Lex went up real close toward Superman, pulled his head forward and kissed Superman roughly. Superman did not resist. He let Luthor’s tongue invade freely into his mouth. It was a sign of… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 6

Milking the Stallion Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 5: The Breaking   He felt hands cupping his balls again. Squeezing deliberately. “Please … stop this,” pleaded Superman weakly, his head resting against pole at an uncomfortable angle. His eyes closed, trying to lock himself out of reality. He was breathing hard. His head was filled with his sweat dripping down. Six days had passed by. He had not cum yet. His cock had been painfully erect all these while. A definite death sentence to any normal human. This is, however, the mighty Superman. His heart still beating strongly despite the brutal assualts. The constant erection had not done any real physiological harm to his body …yet. However, the burning desire in his loin was growing stronger with every tick of the clock, and this desire was consuming him. Superman felt his crotch uncomfortably tight against the briefs. There was usually more room. He felt something heavy in his groin, unusually heavy. More precum oozed from the cock. This had been going on periodically as if to release some kind of pressure like an active volcano. It was… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 5

Milking the Stallion Part 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 4: Feeding the Balls   It had been an hour since Luthor left the room. There were guards outside the room. Superman looked around. He tried to concentrate his eyes on the chains, but it was of no use. The heat ray simply wouldn’t shoot out. He thought back to those times when he could kill Luthor. Back then, he believed it is wrong to take a life, no matter how bad the person is. How wrong was he to believe that! He should have eradicated this man when he could and save the world from all these troubles and himself too from this precarious situation. His thoughts were interrupted as he hear footsteps coming toward the door. Two henchmen walked in. One of them was holding a tray with two glasses of pinkish colored liquid like strawberry milkshake. Placing the other glass on the table, the henchman brought the first glass toward Superman. “Drink,” the henchman instructed, while bringing the glass to Superman’s mouth. Seemingly obedient, Superman opened his mouth and took a mouthful. The liquid tasted awful.… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 4

Milking the Stallion Part 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 3: Chained   There were faded voices. Was this a dream, a bad dream? Or was it a good dream? Or perhaps a wet dream went awry? Something’s aching. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. He was tired and yet somehow content. But the bliss was shortlived. The ache was becoming more obvious and it was disturbing his needed rest. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes. His arms were tied firmly with chains to a arms of a sturdy metallic t-cross. His feet were chained together to the pole. Superman looked around. The room was in reddish hue. It was filled with various machinery. There were a few tables facing him with laptops on top. There were cameras at the corner of the room. And the ache came again. This time, he realized what it was. His painful erection. Superman started to recollect. The costume he was wearing was still drenched with the dreadful oil. He is still under the influence of the drug. The heavy metallic door opened. “I came rushing down the moment I was informed that… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 3

Milking the Stallion Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 2: The Milking   “Superman, your great days are over.” declared Lex triumphantly. “Lex, what do you gain from all these?”, Superman asked breathlessly.”You know the effects are temporary. I had shown you mercy over the years, refusing to take your life even though I could …” “That is why you are naive and stupid!” retorted Lex Luthor. “And who says this is temporary when I can keep using this drug on you until you are a sex and drug addicted low life scumb” Lex laughed maniacally. Superman saw fear for the the first time as the words sank in. Superman closed his eyes, trying to concentrate once more. There must be a way to control this great urge in his loins. He is Superman, the Man of Steel – he can control himself. And his cook is like Steel set on fire. Superman opened his eyes at the thought of his cock. The concentration is not working, and trying not to think about his cock makes him think even more, makes him even more aware of his need… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 2

Milking the Stallion Part 1
3 (7)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 7 Average: 3] Milking the Stallion   Part 1: Ensnaring the Stallion   The doors flung opened. It was the Man of Steel … a very angry Man of Steel. The presense of the Man of Steel was commanding. Incredibly tall and handsome. Those tights revealed two huge chests, superbly well defined abs, thighs and calves. In short, one hundred percent hard muscles. A living sexy god among the mortals, who fights for truth and justice. “I have been expecting you, Superman … come over and sit.” Lex Luthor, the city mayor, was sitting comfortably in his chair, with two burly bodyguards behind him, calmly bade Superman over to sit. In comparison to the incredibly muscled superman, Lex Luthor carries a medium frame, almost lanky. He had a devious look with a one sided smile that seemed to hint that everything was under control. The atmosphere was tense. “I knew you were up to no good, when you introduced those robotic police for national securty. You had over the year worked to have the entire government under your control, willing them to declare wars on nation that refuse… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 1

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 6
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]   Jokers and Goblins      Chapter 6   Several minutes had passed and Spider-man was beginning to stir and find himself in an awkward position.  Spider-man’s upper body was stretched to its limit with heavy chains wrapped around his chest and outlining the muscles in his pecs. Chains were securely wrapped around his biceps and wrists, exposing the well haired armpits Spider-man’s hairy legs were nicely showing the quads and his cock at half-mast and his large low hanging balls. “God, I’m in trouble now” thought Spider-man, “have to try and break free but too weak to even attempt” Soon the Green Goblin and the Joker entered the chamber this time only wearing jockstraps. The goblin’s body was muscular and well-built as Norman Osborn kept himself in shape.  His upper body was slightly hairy and his mid-section somewhat smooth. The Joker was an average villain but was in athletic shape as well. He was mainly smooth after the acid bath that he had taken from encountering Batman in his early days. The Goblin walked in front of the hero and snorted, “I’m not sorry that… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 6

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Jokers and Goblins      Chapter 5   Several hours had passed and the Joker kept the webbed hero sedated under the drug. The Green goblin had left the premises for quite some time only to come back with a clean costume for the hero. The Joker had not realized that the goblin knew Spider-man’s true identity and knew where he lived. “Oh a fresh change of clothes for the webbed dummy” snickered the Joker.  “Yes so we can eventually see what strength he has left after we are done with phase 3.  Get the boys to get him dressed and don’t unmask him quite yet” ordered the Green goblin. Soon Boris and another well-built thug went into the cell and while one held the weakened drugged hero the other had dressed the hero in a fresh costume.  “Wonder what the two have in store for this moron” asked Boris. “Only the Goblin knows what he’s going to do next” replied the other Meanwhile in the other room, The Green Goblin was letting the Joker know about his next phase.  “This is the plan. We… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 5

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Jokers and Goblins   Chapter 4   Spider-man lay on the cold concrete floor motionless.  His costume was burnt and shredded bearing his muscular arms shoulders legs and half of his upper body, and most of his back Boris went over and kicked Spider-man hard in the groin area “that’s for hitting me you fuck head”. “Ok boys prepare him for phase two” ordered the Joker. Boris grabbed Spider-man by one of his legs and began dragging the hero across the cold concrete floor to the adjoining room. This time a pair of heavy chains were placed on each of Spider-man’s wrists and around his ankles. Spider-man was then hoisted so that his arms were chained over his head and hoisted so that the chains that were attached to his ankles were supported to heavy cement blocks. Spider-man’s body was being stretched to its limit and was helpless.  Spider-man hung like a beaten dog with his muscular body showing through his burnt and shredded costume.  Tony the next largest henchman of the Joker went over to the beaten hero and begin to feel the… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 4

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Jokers and Goblins   Chapter 3   A few minutes had passed and the Joker was finished filling the syringe filled with the drug that he was going to use and inject on the bound hero. The Joker was standing behind a control panel outside the jail cell where Spider-man was inside and bound to a marble table. “Soon boys we are going to have some fun with the Spider-brat”, laughed the Joker, “and when we are done with him… Osbourne can have the rest of him.” Inside the Jail cell, Spider-man was starting to regain consciousness. Sensing that he was bound and could not break free, Spider-man tried to force his way out by breaking the bonds. Noticing that the hero was awake, “never mind trying to break those bonds Spider-man, your strength is vulnerable against those bonds”, quipped the Joker “Oh my aching body. What hit me?” questioned Spider-man.   “Oh just a little tumble you fool” the Joker said.  “But soon you will be feeling something like never before”, laughed the Joker. “My men will have their way with you soon after… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 3

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 2
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Jokers and Goblins   Chapter 2   “Hi ya there Spider-boy”, snickered the Joker.   Turning around to see his confronter, Spider-man replied back, “It’s Spider-man clown face”, snapped Spider-man. “I see I have a new clown to turn into the authorities and by the way it look that shouldn’t be too hard, 4 against one, I’ve faced more low life’s the what I see”, replied Spidey “Now now Spider-man that’s no way to greet you welcoming party”, the joker said as he slowly approached the hero. “I’ve come in peace and mean no harm, just a good old time in the town”, giggled the Joker. At the time the Joker was only a few feet away from Spider-man, and his henchman beginning to slowly move around the hero who was still standing next to the ledge of the warehouse. Spider-man was seeing he was getting into a precarious position and quickly snagged a web to the wall of the adjacent building and somersaulted over the foursome. “Nice agility you have there Bugman”, joker retorted, “Let’s see how u deal with this.” Suddenly the Joker walks… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 2

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 1
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4] Jokers and Goblins    Chapter 1   It was a typical evening in the city of New York, traffic crawling along the busy streets, and people hustling home or on their way to work. The air was filled with the everyday smog from the idling vehicles that were inching along the busy corridors. One particular vehicle was in a hurry to get through the rush hour traffic. “New York traffic… how the god did I get into this pathetic situation”, snarled the mad man behind the wheel. “I’ll just push my way through this traffic like i usually do when i think of something to get a certain someone attention, if he’s out and about, chuckled the mad man. The white sedan suddenly pulled out into out coming traffic zig zagging in and out and occasionally brushing the odd vehicle. “He hehehehehehehe, this should grab some attention, laughed the sick mysterious man with a huge smile that was permanently planted on his face from a chemical bath many years ago while running from authorities. The sedan then pulled of onto a side street along the warehouse district… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 1

Superman Harem Slave Chapter 8
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5] Superman Harem Slave   Chapter Eight  By Msclvir based on a plot by Mikechesty   Suzin – Superman, stripped of powers, slave Abdul – Prince Osham – Chief Minister Azuz – Slave Master Abu – African/Arab slave trainer Shareem – Arab slave trainer Rais – captain of the Emir’s militia Ra’id – the Emir Rashad – The Emirate Wadi – bath slave  (Calm, peaceful) Sana’ – Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze or look (Harem Queen Concubine) Haris – Chief Male of the Harem Tammam – Slave seducer   The next day, the now fully constrained Kryptonian awoke lying on the solid pectoral of the Harem Master for a pillow.  It was awkward for him, yet for the first time in the last several days, he felt safe and secure. As Haris shook him gently the next morning to awaken him, he gave a short yelp of surprise.  He didn’t know where he was for a moment. “Wha’, wher’, ughhh, nooooo” the startled slave began. “Whoa, there little filly” said Haris, “you’re in the harem quarters with me,” he said as he put his arm around… Read More »Superman Harem Slave Chapter 8

Superman Harem Slave Chapter 7
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0] Superman Harem Slave Part 7 The Next Day By Msclvir based on a plot by Mikechesty   Su’zin-Superman enslaved Abdul-Prince Osham- Chief Minister of Abdul Azuz-Slavemaster Shareem-light slave trainer Abu-dark slave trainer Rais-Captain of the Emir’’s Guard Ra’’id: Emir of Carbudali             Wa’di – bath slave             Karlesh – The master of records             Sana’ – (Harem Queen Concubine)             Abra – Servant to the concubine queen             Haris – Chief Male Harem Slave   The rest of the previous night had been a delirious exercise in erotic derision. Superman, like a new play toy, had been drugged by the Princess.   A very 21st century gauged syringe was plunged into the base of his dick shaft.  He cried out in surprise and pain at this added distraction. His now caged phallus trying desperately to gain an erection was foiled by the cage that held him as a mechanical eunuch. The points inside the cruel device punished his natural impulses to achieve the erection the drugs and surrounding environment elicited from him.   Another syringe was plunged into his flexing buttocks. His drugged stupor and the earlier… Read More »Superman Harem Slave Chapter 7

Superman Harem Slave Chapter 6
3 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 3] Superman Harem Slave   Chapter 6    The Induction By Msclvir based on a plot by Mikechesty List of Characters Su’zin-Superman slaved  Abdul-Prince  Osham- Chief Minister of Abdul  Azuz-Slavemaster  Shareem-light slave trainer  Abu-dark slave trainer  Rais-Captain of the Emir’s Guard  Ra’id: Emir of Carbudali             Wa’di – bath slave             Karlesh – The master of records             Sana’ – (Harem Queen Concubine)             Abra – Servant to the concubine queen             Haris – Chief Male Slave   Now Shareem and Abu returned to fetch their inductee.   “You look like a new creation” said Shareem. “You almost look like a real slave, but we’ll take care of that this evening” he said slyly. “You will make quite an impression” said Abu.  “There hasn’t been a slave as large and muscular as you for a few years.  There are a few already in the harem who resemble your physique, but they are a few years your senior.  The princess will appreciate this addition to her harem and breeding stock” he taunted. It had been two days, maybe three, Su’zin reasoned, since his entry into this nightmare of… Read More »Superman Harem Slave Chapter 6

Superman Harem Slave Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0] Superman Harem Slave    Chapter 5  By Msclvir based on a plot by Mikechesty List of Characters Su’zin-Superman slaved  Abdul-Prince  Osham- Chief Minister of Abdul  Azuz-Slavemaster  Shareem-light slave trainer  Abu-dark slave trainer  Rais-Captain of the Emir’s Guard  Ra’id: Emir of Carbudali             Wa’di – bath slave             Karlesh – The master of records   Su’zin was led into the chamber.  He saw that it was not just a “gym” but also had some instruments of restraint.  Other trainers were both training and disciplining other slaves.  Although there was an occasional female slave, the vast majority of the slaves were male.  Many of the trainers carried what appeared to be cattle prods to sting if the slave did not comply immediately to the command. Abu led him to a corner where a substantial chain hung down from the bars above a cage of sorts, with no apparent doors.  He took the end of the chain and locked it to Su’zin’s collar. For several hours Su’zin was given explicit instructions on slave commands, both verbal and non-verbal.  Several other slaves would illustrate the positions for stand, come,… Read More »Superman Harem Slave Chapter 5

Superman Harem Slave Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0] Superman Harem Slave    Chapter 4  By Msclvir based on a plot by Mikechesty   List of characters             Su’zin-Superman slaved    Abdul-Prince   Osham- Chief Minister of Abdul  Azuz-Slavemaster  Shareem-light slave trainer  Abu-dark slave trainer Rais-Captain of the Emir’s Guard  Ra’id: Emir of Carbudali            Wa’di – bath slave   Hours later, in a dimly lit room, Clark, now the slave, Su’zin began to wake.   He felt groggy, disoriented.  He could see nothing at first.  He had not yet begun to get accustomed to not having his super-seeing powers.  “So this is what they mean when they joke about men getting out of bed in the morning” he thought.  Of course, he had no idea if it was morning or night.  He was in a room with no windows and only one door.  There was a small toilet, sink and shower facility in the corner, not unlike a hotel room, but the floors were of stone, highly polished with Persian rugs.  This was the place at which such resemblances ended.  The walls were of stone, the ceiling held up by large… Read More »Superman Harem Slave Chapter 4

Superman Harem Slave Chapter 3
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5] Superman Harem Slave    Chapter 3  By Msclvir based on a plot by Mikechesty   The Prince was now playing his most dramatic of roles.  He was in fact, playing a game, albeit a dangerous one.  He had interrupted an attempt to capture one of the West’s most valuable commodities and was now about to play a game of diplomatic intrigue with another powerful Arab prince.  As they approached the outer guest chambers, or the area where guests are received he whispered to his chief minister “just follow my lead”. It was a well disguised room into which they were now walking.  It was bugged, had surveillance equipment, and yet had the glamour and ostentation that the Prince wished to convey to others e of his power and person.  His own Palace Guard was already there in less hostile or distrusting appearing numbers.  After all, the militia was from the Emir.  They were “brothers”, at least that is how it must be played for the outside world to the inner workings of politics in this desert land. The room itself dated back centuries, as did… Read More »Superman Harem Slave Chapter 3