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The Ultimate Take-Down Part 6
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Six   I reached down and fingered his ass. It was like a vice. “I’m going in whether you loosen up or not, so relax…” I started massaging his ass. He breathed deep and my fingers started to enter. I placed the tip of my cock at his hole and pushed. It still wouldn’t go in. I ran my fingers around his hole and leaned down and kissed him. My fingers went in further, followed my first push – a few inches up. Superman grit his teeth. I pried his teeth apart with my tongue and pushed my cock further in. “Uhhhhhh.” he grimaced as I broke through the first ring. My K-steroid dick would have gutted a normal man, but Superman wasn’t a normal man. I raised my torso back and started pushing in and out, grabbing him by the obliques. He started to move with my moves. I was part way up but still not all in. “Come on, boy… let it go.” I leaned over and kissed him. Then… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 6

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 5
4.8 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 4.8]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Five I kneeled down, turned him over and wiped the red from his mouth. I held him there for a moment, a massive dead weight in my arms. He breathing was low. I leaned down and breathed air into his prone body. My tongue probed his mouth, his lips, his tongue. His head started bobbing. His eyes opened looking into mine. His chest swelled and relaxed as he lay there defeated. Suddenly, I grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed it hard. I flexed my bicep inches from his face. It shot into a fight-pumped double peak that must have been 28″ – big as his head. My tone was harsh and forceful. “Look at that muscle!” I barked. “These are the guns that took you down.” He looked up at me barely conscious. “You want to feel it?” I said. He seemed to tremble in my grip and hesitated for moments. “Feel it!” I commanded. His eyes stared at the huge muscle, at the cuts, at the veins sprawling from… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 5

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Four   He rushed me. I sidestepped and he lunged past me. I tackled him and we went rolling on the ground, locked like snarling dogs, arms and legs intertwined. I was on top of him. He managed to fist me in the side. UGGHHH! He bridged up with his back lifting me off the ground, pushing up with his left leg and rolling on top of me. Fist into myface. I saw stars! Tasted more blood! Another fist into my face.  My head smashed down into the cement. I managed to grab both his wrists and push him back. I whipped my legs up, locking my ankles around his neck, pushing with all my strength – my quads against his massive torso, my arms against his massive arms. He shaking, straining, his cock grinding hard against my cock, face going red. Icould just see his mind trying to figure out all these sensations – “fight to finish!” or “fuck to the finish!” – it was one and the same. I thrust… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 4

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 3
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Three He rushed at me like a lightning bolt, slamming into me, smashing us through the wall of the hanger. Even though he couldn’t fly the momentum sent us hurtling straight across the airfield at 90 miles an hour. The wind was knocked out of me. I tried to grapple him down, but we were going too fast. Straight across the field, then SLAMMMMM!!! We hit the base of a tall steel tower. Metal girders crashed around us like tinker toys. He rolled on top of me and slammed his fist into my face.  Urgrgh!  That hurt. We were invulnerable, but because we each had Kryptonian DNA invulnerable was relative. We could do damage to each other. Yeah! What’s a fight without damage? I returned the blow, slamming him hard in the chin with enough force to catapult him back, metal girders flying in all directions. He landed with a crash on the cement and picked up a girder as he rolled to his feet. He swung at me. I saw it… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 3

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 2
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Two   “Aaaaaarrgggghhh!” I let out a yell that came from the most intense pleasure and most intense pain you could imagine as all my muscles began to heave like moving earth. My back curved and swelled, my chest heaved out. It was better than any pump at the gym. I could feel the muscle fibers multiplying by the millions. You could almost hear it, like an avalanche of rumbling rock. My shirt went first, ripping open as my chest exploded out and my arms burst their sleeves. My pants buttons shot off, and the legs tore open. Veins shot out all over my paper-thin skin. They glowed and pulsed green through my tan. The shreds of clothing fell off my body as I stood up. As I had planned my brief and my boots stretched with the growth and were all that remained on my massive body. Superman had a puzzled look on his face. I was the same 6′, but now weighed at least 350 pounds. I stretched my arms… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 2

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 1
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part One   I’m a fighter – professional, underground – not the biggest, but the best! It’s taken me years to develop my body into a supreme fighting machine – 6′, 210 pounds of solid, lighting-quick, gymnast-agile muscle. Fifteen years of pumping iron, rigorous diet and supplement, first level training in every martial art, and yeah, a few chemical helpers, forging a 50″ chest, a 30″ waist, shredded 8 pack, 20″ arms, 28″ quads, 20″ calves, and a 9″ x 6″ man-ramming cock. And I know how to use all of it! And I know how to use one other “muscle”, the fastest, strongest “muscle” of all – the brain. You see… fighting’s a nighttime hobby.  During the daytime I work at Star Labs as a biochemist. I’m good. I produce. I’m quiet. I keep to myself. But when the lab coat comes off, I hit the gym and chew up iron, destroy punching bags and take on any and all guys who think they can beat me. And then – for the… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 1

Milking the Stallion Part 23 (Final)
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 23 (Final Chapter):  Mind Broken   “I want you to find him at all costs – dead or alive! And Ruin too!” yelled Lex Luthor into the phone followed by a loud angry slam. With a sigh, Lex laid back on his chair alone in his office as he anxiously played with his cigar smoke in the dark, barely lit by the light of the clear full moon shining through the tall window panel behind his desk. It was an unsettling night. The air was still and stifling. There were no news from Ruin for the past two months. Neither were there any sightings of the Man of Steel himself. It was as if the two people had disappeared right from the face of the earth. The sudden appearance of Parasite in his premises was equally disturbing. That infernal creature had singlehandedly destroyed his multi-million dollar laboratory and the entire stock of Superman’s precious cum. Lex ground his teeth at the very thought of the foul creature. He swore vengeance silently to himself. It was all too coincidental –… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 23 (Final)

Milking the Stallion Part 22
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 22: Twins   Parasite leaned forward down to the quivering blindfolded Man of Steel who had absolutely no clue of his predicament and peeled off the eye mask in the most deliberate manner. The dim light felt overpowering to the pale lipped superhero. His vision was a complete blur at first and gradually sharpen. The black figure that knelt before him between his thighs slowly came into form and color. It took him a complete astonishment. Instead of the small and petite professor, there before him was a muscular purple monster with a huge suction mouth like a leech. “Who …who .. are … you?” asked the bound and helpless superhero, his voice stammered breathlessly. “Don’t you remember me, Superman?” the Parasite retorted mockingly. “Your forgotten friend from the high security prison cell, devoid of all human contacts.” The voice – it is so familiar. Superman closed his eyes for a second and opened his eyes again in with a dreaded fear. “Parasite,” replied Superman silently. Realizing his grave situation, he tried to summon his last remaining strength, if… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 22

Milking the Stallion Part 21
4.7 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.7]  Milking the Stallion  Part 21: The Cure   “Professor Hamilton?” asked Superman as he stood at the doorway leading in a dimly lit laboratory. “Yes Superman, come in,” answered the bespectacled professor who walked out of the shadows, almost deliberately. Superman walked in confidently and stood in front of the professor with his arms folded. The dim light outlined and accentuated his well-defined biceps and his partially squeezed pecs arms like two mounting mole hills, one casting shadow on the other. The mighty S emblem subtly expand and contract in rhythm to those pecs with each breath the Man of Steel took. In comparison to the swimmer-built bulk of a hunk, the professor stood half a head shorter, half balding and looking frail, though his eyes betrayed immense knowledge and intelligence. “I heard you have finally come up with a solution to my problem, professor,” said Superman. “Indeed I have, Superman,” replied Professor Hamilton as he held up a vial of liquid toward Superman. “This liquid is my concoction, containing a designer drug, aimed to permanently counteract the effects of the kryptonian sex drug.… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 21

Milking the Stallion Part 20
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 20: Secrets Revealed   “Most interesting … ” muttered the man in lab suit as he observed through the microscope. while jotting down notes. It was late at night, no one was around in the laboratory at Lex Corp except this scientist.  The lights were off everywhere else except his desk. His unruly hair and unshavened face suggested countless sleepless nights. But the studies on Superman’s precious sperm were too intriguing. Not to mention the constant pressures from Lex Luthor to discover a way to fertilize human eggs with those sperms. There were limited stock and time is running out fast. A sudden screech sound of the door coming from the corner of the laboratory startled the scientist, breaking him from his deep concentration. “Who is that?” The scientist asked out loud while peering into the darkness. Minutes of uncanny silence went by. “Hello?” asked the scientist again as he stood up from his chair. Suddenly a purple figure lunged out from the darkness and grabbed the scientist.  A purple glow filled the room for a few seconds and… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 20

Milking the Stallion Part 19
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 19: Free Again   Life had been miserable and lonely – to the point of being almost unbearable, in this dark prison cell. It was pure agony, especially for someone who had tasted the powers of godhood, to only fall rock bottom. He swore vengeance and the years spent behind the bars had not quench his anger a single bit. Instead, his hatred had grown beyond logic and sense. However, it looked like he will only spend his final days in this dark cell – to die a lonely, broken man. The thought of his helpless situation and his utter humiliation sent Rudy Jones, or Parasite, as he is now formally known as, into a reckless rage. He knelt up and screamed at the S-emblem drawn on the wall, a reminder of the very being that let him tasted power but who had also defeated him in the end, and punched at it repeatedly with all his now limited might. Finally the pain in his knuckles were too much to bear. The Parasite slumped down, Fresh blood stains trickled… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 19

Milking the Stallion Part 18
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 18: Confessions   It was a peaceful and quiet night except for the constant murmur of prayers that filled the grand hall of the cathedral. Finally the last bead of the rosary, the young blond priest in kneeling position at the alter, dressed in black robe, ended his routine prayer. He bowed to the crucifix in complete reverence, made the sign of the cross and stood up. The large crucifix was laid against the back drop of gothic stained glasses with patterns of various saints and angels, lighted strategically by candles. The priest let off a sigh at the awe inspiring view. It is moment like this that makes priesthood worthwhile. The priest felt a sudden gush of wind as if someone had walked passed behind. He looked around and right before his eyes was the Man of Steel floating in mid air. The priest’s jaw dropped at the sight of the immaculately beautiful angel of justice – tall and muscular, powerful and mighty. Completely awed and captivated, the priest felt his knees buckled and knelt down. Superman glided… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 18

Milking the Stallion Part 17
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 17   Lois Lane sat on a chair as she waited anxiously on her rooftop garden. These few months had been most distressing. She had not seen Superman and had only received calls and messages from him. Though such long absences had happened before, her perceptive mind told her there is something amiss this time. She couldn’t quite pinpoint what though. She had tried to get information from all her sources but none of them seem to know anything. He’s probably working on some top secret mission, she reasoned to herself. What else could make the Man of Steel spent all his time on? The sudden announcement of his departure from JLA made her more anxious. He could have at least talk to her after the announcement but he was gone as soon as he appeared at the JLA news conference. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The JLA was conceived by Batman, Wonder Woman and me ……….. Due to unforeseen turn of events, I have to regrettably announce my temporary departure from the team. Wonder Woman and Batman will… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 17

Milking the Stallion Part 16
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 16   “Help me! Help me!” Superman stopped immediately in mid air as he heard the cry of help. It’s Lois Lane … his love is in danger!  Superman flew to the source of the cries in a hurry and he traced it to an old abandoned warehouse. Superman flew in and there in the middle sat Lois Lane  surrounded by four hunky young men dressed only in a pair of tiniest tight fitting black  briefs. Superman couldn’t help but checked out those guys. They were all pretty well built, each carried a nice package in their crotches. And their bums were all perfectly shaped just like his.   Lois was crying, her hair a total mess, her clothes were badly torned.  “Let her go!” said Superman to the four henchmen as he cleared his voice. The four henchmen turned around and looked at the Man of Steel.  Superman was shocked. These men resembled him somewhat and they looked exactly the same as each other like twins.  “Hello, Father,” said one of them.”We have been expecting you.” The four young… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 16

Milking the Stallion Part 15
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 15: New lease of Life   A terrible smell drew the Man of Steel from the blackness. “Wake up Superman,”said a voice. Superman slowly opened his eyes. He tried to rub his eyes with his hands but gave a sudden groan of pain instead. Sharp pains pierced right through his muscles all over. The pain was so intense that he broke into sweat and lied back helplessly. He looked around with his half lid eyes and there stood a man in white coat alone in the room with him. The man took away his smelling salts and began to gently remove the straps and electrodes as he tend to Superman’s wounds at the same time.  “Uggggg!” cried out the Man of Steel as the man in white accidentally exert too much pressure cleaning on a tender spot on his chest. “I’m sorry Superman,”said the man silently as he turned back to the doorway in fear.”I didn’t mean to hurt you. Try to keep your voice down.” Superman closed his eyes. There was a sense of pure desperation that was… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 15

Milking the Stallion Part 14
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion    Part 14: Dark Victory   Lex Luthor stood by the overgrown Blue Scout who is now moaning in heat from the constant supply of the drug labelled KV dripping into his blood stream, admiring the beautiful mass of muscles one last time. “You know what makes me HATE about you most, Superman? Your chiselled good looks, that overgrown muscled body  and your stubborn conviction to goodness. Your utter MALENESS puts me off.” Lex squeezed the huge and powerful biceps, then caressed the heaving pecs, and continued,”And it turns me on to crumble your body and mind. Today will be the day where I, Lex Luthor, shall eradicate the source of your manhood!” Lex held Superman’s scrotum tightly as he spoke closely to his face. “I have discovered that these balls not only contain sperms but are also the entire source of your maleness. Due to my greater intellect, this titanium cum sucking machine will suck out every drop of cum those balls can produce. Your balls will try to compete against the depletion by setting out in a production frenzy,… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 14

Milking the Stallion Part 13
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the stallion    Part 13: Preparation   Superman sat up suddenly from his sleep. He looked around. He was alone in the room. Lex must have left the room while he slept. He laid back on the bed, still feeling pretty tired from the incredible work out with Lex. Thoughts of confusion came back. He tried to make some sense but couldn’t. He thought about Lois again, then about his parents, the Kents. He had always been straight in all his life, not that he is against gay, but it never occured to him that he could enjoy the sex. And of all people, Lex Luthor …. A great sense of shame overwhelmed him. What happened to his will and integrity? What is happening to him? The honorable, strong and unfaltering symbol of truth and justice. He felt his life destroyed and in a total mess. The elevator door opened and four henchmen walked in. Superman sat up again. “You are ordered to the lab,” said one of the henchmen. What is it this time, thought the Man of Steel as he stood… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 13

Milking the Stallion Part 12
5 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 12: Mind Bent   It had been five days since the recapture. The wounds on Superman’s body were almost healed completely. The drugs were served consistently every four hours through day and night. And Superman would diligently supply his load of cum for the scientists to perform more evil experiments on his helpless sperms. There was a huge sense of guilt and shame after each session of self gratification. He would resolve to try to resist each time but all resistance crumbled when his cravings started with the drugs served up to him beneath his nose. Each time he fed himself with the drug, all those sense of guilt would disappear into thin air and he would work to pleasure himself. Over time, he grew numb and stopped fighting it completely. In fact, he lost a bit of himself everytime he orgasmed under the effect of the drug. By the fourth day, he was beginning to look forward to each session. Every cell of his body is now tainted and infused with the insidious drug. Due to his innate… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 12

Milking the Stallion Part 11
4.3 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.3]  Milking the Stallion   Part 11: A Different Bliss   It is a perfect day. No crimes. No war.The weather is great. Time for some great romance. Superman flew to Lois’ apartment, his hand holding a bunch of roses – good old fashioned love. The window was opened in apparent expectation of his arrival. Superman flew in, and looked around the room in expectation for the woman of his life.. He heard a muffled moan. The voice was familiar. “Right there ! Oh yes! Oh yes!” He recognize the voice. It’s a man’s voice. It’s Batman. Superman’s heart pounded. What is Batman doing in Lois’ bedroom? Slowly he opened the door to Lois’ bedroom. There before his eyes, Lex Luthor fucking Batman in the ass on the edge of the bed facing Superman. He looked round the room – Green Lantern, Flash, Robin, Hawkman – all sleeping naked peacefully, occasionally letting off a satisfied moan and sigh. Batman looked up to Superman. It was a look of pure satisfaction. “Like what you see?” Lex asked seductively. Superman stared hungrily. He dropped the bunch of… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 11

Milking the Stallion Part 10
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Milking the Stallion   Part 10: Cold Turkey Superman, floating in mid air, let the incoming sun shone down on him. He closed his eyes as his body bathe in power. He felt his body shivered a little. He ignored it for a second, thinking it was likely due to the sudden infusion of power from the yellow sun. But he began to feel strangely thirsty and light headed. His throat felt dry. The tremblings became more obvious and uncontrolled. And his hands grew icy cold as if blood had withdrawn from those vessels. Cold sweat began to form in large droplets all over his body. Oddly Superman felt a certain craving he had never felt before. He thought he smelt the scent of the kryptonian drug. Images of the message oil and the hypothermal needles kept poping into his mind. Superman opened his eyes and looked around below at the henchmen, his vision began to blur. All the henchmen looked back up to Superman in confusion – there lies the chance for the Man of Steel to escape but there he was floating… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 10