Milking the Stallion Part 195 (1)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] Milking the Stallion Part 19: Free Again Life had been miserable and lonely – to the point of being almost unbearable, in this dark prison cell. It was pure agony, especially for someone who had tasted the powers of godhood, to only fall rock bottom. He swore vengeance and the years spent behind the bars had not quench his anger a single bit. Instead, his hatred had grown beyond logic and sense. However, it looked like he will only spend his final days in this dark cell – to die a lonely, broken man. The thought of his helpless situation and his utter humiliation sent Rudy Jones, or Parasite, as he is now formally known as, into a reckless rage. He knelt up and screamed at the S-emblem drawn on the wall, a reminder of the very being that let him tasted power but who had also defeated him in the end, and punched at it repeatedly with all his now limited might. Finally the pain in his knuckles were too much to bear. The Parasite slumped down, Fresh blood stains trickled… Read More »Milking the Stallion Part 19